Friday, November 27, 2009


The hair loss in women is somewhat less common than in men, but it is much less well known. Consequently, misconceptions abound ... Here are five that it is useful to go!

Misconception No. 1: Women do not lose their hair, only men are going bald.

That, of course, completely false. The alopecia androgenetic, another name for a hair loss gradual but unstoppable, affects a woman on two after menopause. And as for men, theandrogenetic alopecia in women can declare themselves for some very early, even before thirty years. It is important to say, because psychologically the hair loss is sometimes very difficult to live, and it is easier to deal with the problem if we know that we are not alone in the world.

Misconception No. 2: hair falling are those of the tonsure and above those of their temples.

This is the pattern of hair loss classic ... men. Among women, the hair loss is more diffuse, that is to say that we will not have a defined area where there will be no hair at all. In general, the entire top of the skull is affected, and there is simply less and less hair per square centimeter. That is why the women realize they are losing their hair in an indirect way: more hair on the hairbrush, a line that suddenly becomes larger, or bars that become too large when they were difficult to keep all hair.

Misconception No. 3: If the hair fall is that there is a hormonal problem.

It is true that hair loss is related to hormones, but rather the sensitivity off ollicles to hormones that an excess of hormones. A woman may very well be a perfectly normal hormone levels and still see her hair fall. If you have other signs of hormonal imbalance such as excessive hair or acne, however, do consult a doctor.

Misconception No. 4: We can do nothing against hair loss.

It is true thatandrogenetic alopecia is difficult to fight, but doctors still have a solution, minoxidil. This product is used as a lotion and its implementation is quite demanding and it has side effects, but its effectiveness is proven. Furthermore,women as men can opt for hair transplant , although expensive, this solution is final and the results are generally good for womenbecause hair loss is more diffuse.

Misconception No. 5: If I lose my hair, it's because of my shampoo / conditioner my / my hair.

The products you put on your hair, how you comb or you attach them, have no influence on theandrogenetic alopecia. Some bad habits can make hair brittle, but the problem is different from a hair loss normal. So if you lose a lot of hair and you see that your hair is more sparse, do not waste time: it is a dermatologist who can help.

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