Friday, February 11, 2011


The malfunctioning of the thyroid are quite common. The hypothyroidism for example, causes symptoms (fatigue, overweight, cholesterol?) but also sometimes an increased cardiovascular risk. It is therefore important to detect any problems with thyroid , and know how to balance the right hormones at the right time.

What hormones are to be determined if thyroid problems?

Interview with Dr. Catherine Goursac * communications Congress on Anti-Aging (October 2007). Dr. Catherine Goursac: The thyroid is a gland at the base of the neck that produces hormones called T3 and T4 thyroid, under the control of another hormone called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone for), secreted by the pituitary . In France, traditionally diagnosed disorders of thyroid gland by measuring the TSH level. Yet it sometimes seems necessary to measure the rate of hormones T3 and / or T4. Why? Because for example, a specific reduction in the thyroid hormone T3 increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, with one order of TSH, we can end up with different rates of T3 and T4. You should know that the T4 converts to T3 conventionally (only T3 is active), with the help of several micronutrients (manganese, selenium, iodine?). But sometimes it happens that the rate of T4 is high and the low T3 because the conversion is wrong. Thus, a person slightly deficient in manganese and selenium may have a normal TSH levels and yet have a hypothyroidism because it did not have enough hormones T3. In the end, when a malfunctioning thyroid is suspected, it must achieve a TSH, but it is also important to assay the true hormones Thyroid : T3 and T4.

What are the normal values of TSH in the assay?

Dr. Catherine Goursac: The standards have changed, but many laboratories have not updated. According to the American Society of thyroid (American Thyroid Society) TSH should be between 0 and 3.5, (and between 0 and 2 in case of cholesterol because of hypothyroidism increases cholesterol). Yet in France, the major endocrinology services excepted, the standard used by most laboratories is between 0.5 and 5. Thus, many French are considered "normal" then they are likely to be hypothyroid . And they suffer from many symptoms without knowing why fatigue very important, high cholesterol, risk of diabetes, obesity, depression, etc.. It appears that these signs are very general and they affect a lot of people? Almost all people that age have more or less these signs.Many of them end up on antidepressants and statins as (cons cholesterol) while thyroid extracts would solve all problems?

Treatment with thyroid extracts are safe?

Dr. Catherine Goursac: The thyroid extracts have a very bad reputation when used in the treatment of obesity. But now they are banned in this indication.However, in cases of hypothyroidism , these drugs are quite appropriate.They represent the replacement therapy of the thyroid , and are frequently prescribed for the simple reason that they are effective and that hypothyroidism is very common. Moreover, it is better to give rather quickly, that is to say do not wait until the thyroid is not working at all to intervene.Personally, at first, I prescribe for a few months of micronutrients to optimize the thyroid. And sometimes the thyroid to function normally recovers by itself. If this is not the case, I proceed to thyroid extracts . * Dr. Catherine Goursac practicing aesthetic medicine for over twenty years. She is a member of the French Society of Aesthetic Medicine, a member of the board of directors of the French Association of Physicians Salons (AFME) ( ) and secretary of the French Association of anti-aging. Read "The anti-aging medicine," Dr. Catherine Goursac, Hellebore editions.



The multiple sclerosis is a disease s of the nervous system that reaches adults, young and mostly women. The evolution of this disease causes progressive disability, but it remains unpredictable.

Immunity, viruses and genetics in question

The multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that affects the electrical conduction of nerve fibers in the destruction of their myelin sheath (similar to an electrical wire). The mechanism of destruction of this sheath is immune, as if the body is defended against error by its own constituents. There are strong presumptions that the immune response is triggered by a virus (and even a common virus like the flu). Some people are affected and not others remains a mystery. We know for example that northern populations are more affected than others without being able to say precisely what proportion of genetics and environment.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease capricious

The Multiple Sclerosis affects fairly consistently young adults with a female predominance. The clinical manifestations of the disease, however, are varied.Indeed, all the sensory elements sensory or motor of the body can be affected to varying degrees and in seemingly chaotic time. Found most often:
  • Optic nerve damage (decreased visual acuity, double vision ...);
  • loss of balance, tremors, lack of coordination;
  • physical weakness affecting the legs more often;
  • muscle stiffness and spasms that may prevent the march;
  • disturbances of skin sensation (feel burning, tingling);
  • speech;
  • general fatigue;
  • urge to urinate;
  • powerlessness. This list is not exhaustive and there are many other signs.This allows to suspect MS is the fact that there are neurological in separate territories unconnected and distinct periods by relapses. We can observe a wide variety of cases of varying severity and it is also difficult for a given case to predict what will be its evolution (cure, temporary cure, aggravation, etc..).

What tests?

Examinations to substantiate the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis are threefold.The most important is probably the nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner that allows a better locate areas of injury to the brain and spinal cord.The images are not specific for MS and can be found in other neurological diseases but faced with the history of the disease, patient examination and other tests such as the "evoked potentials", they have great value. The other fundamental review as we have just seen is the examination of evoked potentials. This is measured using electrodes of sensory nerve conduction velocity or sensory. The third review is an analysis by lumbar puncture fluid that bathes the spinal cord.

What are the treatments for multiple sclerosis?

We do not know the cure multiple sclerosis . However, treatment can slow the progression of the disease, preventing relapses and reducing the intensity and duration of symptoms. Many molecules are used to reduce specific symptoms such as muscle stiffness, pain, urinary problems, fatigue, etc..Meanwhile, there are DMARDs. It typically uses injections of corticosteroids to treat flares. Immunosuppressive treatments are also sometimes used more recently immunomodulators such as interferon beta. Very effective, they have the drawback of often accompanied by side effects. The management of multiple sclerosis should be multidisciplinary and include at least a neurologist and medical rehabilitation, in addition to monitoring by the physician.


The multiple sclerosis is still largely an unpredictable disease, but improved diagnostic techniques (MRI with, for example) can increasingly differentiate the different forms of the disease, and to know better. Similarly, treatments that are most effective on relapses, begin to move towards long-term treatment.Progress is real although they seem slow and it is often dangerous to yield to the promise of treatments that would offer to cure or slow the pace of strong surges as much as it is known that the disease may remain naturally dormant for long periods.




The Ewing's sarcoma is a bone cancer. This cancer is serious, but the prognosis has been greatly improved due to therapeutic advances in chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Ewing's sarcoma: a primary bone cancer

The Ewing's sarcoma is one of the primary cancers of the bones , that is to say that cancer cells originate from bone, and that these are not metastases from a cancer located elsewhere in another organ. The Ewing's sarcoma is unique in touch more often men than women. It also develops mainly in children between 10 and 15 years, more rarely in young adults up to age 25. Cancer cells usually reach the long bones like the femur and tibia. Thus, the Ewing sarcoma most often on the arms and legs, even though cancer can affect any bone .

Bone cancer: What are the symptoms of Ewing's sarcoma?

The symptoms are typically those of bone cancer : the bone cancer is painful and swollen. Moreover, it is fragile and may break if struck. When tumors grew, they can sometimes go up to affect the bone along its entire length. Thediagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma is based on radiography but also require a biopsy for confirmation. It depletes the cells in the suspicious area for examination and to determine precisely their cancerous nature. The biopsy is facilitated by examinations, CT and MRI, which permetent finely localize tumors.These imaging studies also help in the diagnosis by indicating the precise size of tumors.

Ewing's sarcoma: surgery sometimes, but other than chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Surgery with removal of the cancerous region is sometimes necessary. If not now being used to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These techniques have greatly improved the prognosis of Ewing's sarcoma . The cure rate is currently 60%.



The irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of digestive function.Frequent, it results in a set of symptoms, which are the major triad:constipation , abdominal pain and diarrhea . Uncomfortable without being dangerous, it requires a diet restricted to any foods which may irritate the colon .

What are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome?

  • Stomachache or abdominal pain after meals, but also during periods of stress.
  • Bloating, cramps, flatulence.
  • Diarrhea or constipation or alternating of both.

To find a certain comfort tract , a diet is required, excluding all food irritating the colon .

What foods are irritating the colon?

Legumes: Beans, beans, lentils, peas ...
The fibers are rich in lignin: salads, vegetables (chard, celery, cabbage, onions, salsify).
Unpeeled fruit.
The nuts: almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios.
Fermented foods, especially soft cheeses (soft cheese and moldy crust type Brie and Camembert, soft cheeses and washed rind type Livarot and Munster cheese with mold on the inside and blue veined type ...).
Stale or marinated meats.
Meats with long fibers and tendon collagen.
Some offal.
Fat preparations. 
Fatty sauces.
Fried foods.
The chalky.
Milk and dairy products.
Strong coffee.
Abuse of foods rich in fructose honey, dried fruit, grapes, fig, cherry ...
Frozen foods.

When the troubles are gone, it is possible to reintroduce some of these foods, but still very cautious and gradual. 

Other Tips

Meals should be structured and made at regular times.
It is imperative to eat quietly, taking his time and chew slowly. 
It is important to fight against stress.
In general, food should be cooked so as to make them more digestible as possible. 
It is important to drink enough. 
Physical activity required.