Thursday, February 10, 2011


The liver cancer is most often the result of a complication of cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis B or C. It can also be a metastasis from another cancer .Update on the cancer rather special.

The liver is a vital organ

It plays a major role in the metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and hormones. Through the bile it produces, it helps the digestion of fats and elimination of bilirubin (a breakdown product of hemoglobin), he is also involved in the storage of glucose and is involved in the excretion of toxins and the elimination of certain drugs.

Who is most at risk of developing liver cancer?

People with cirrhosis, that it is linked to excessive consumption of alcohol or hepatitis viruses B and C. Indeed, the liver cancer almost always develops in a liver suffering from a chronic illness, most commonly cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis.The people over 50-55 years. The average age at diagnosis is 63 years. The male subjects: men account for 79% of cases. In the world, cancer is the third leading cause of death in humans. People with obesity or untreated iron overload (hemochromatosis). People living in developing countries: consumption of food contaminated with a fungus causing the formation of carcinogens (aflatoxins). Note that the frequency of liver cancer is increasing over the past twenty years, probably due to an increase in alcohol consumption, contamination by hepatitis viruses B and C, and better management of cirrhosis (lengthening life expectancy of patients more time to cirrhosis to be complicated by liver cancer ).

Are there any specific symptoms of liver cancer?

A liver cancer may be manifested by abdominal pain, fever, jaundice, fatigue, vomiting, weight loss, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), etc.. But in most cases it is discovered incidentally during an ultrasound. It can also be diagnosed under the supervision of cirrhosis or another cancer. Note that the liver may be the site of metastasis from another cancer (breast, colon, ovary?): More than a third of all cancers metastasize to the liver .

How does one realize the diagnosis of liver cancer?

The diagnosis is based primarily on medical imaging (abdominal ultrasound, MRI and / or scan), showing the presence of lesions. It can also sometimes reveal an increase in blood levels of alpha-fetoprotein, a tumor marker (not systematic).And finally, if necessary, a biopsy can definitely confirm the presence of liver cancer .

What are the treatments?

They depend mainly on the size of the tumor. If it is small, liver transplantation may be considered, but this type of care is exceptional and speaks to young subjects, not to mention the long waiting times. It uses the most common surgery for tumor removal. Other alternative techniques can be proposed, such as radiofrequency (tumor destruction by heat), alcohol (alcohol injection directly into the tumor) or chemoembolization (drugs inserted into the arteries of the liver ). Note that chemotherapy is widely used for other types of cancers, is very inefficient in the case of the liver and often poorly tolerated.

How to prevent liver cancer?

Limiting alcohol consumption. In protecting against viral hepatitis: vaccination against hepatitis B, condoms, sterile equipment and disposable if injected intravenously, piercing and tattooing, etc.. By bending the rules of screening for hepatitis and the management of hepatitis if necessary to avoid complications.Liver metastases is fairly common: preventing and early detection of all types of cancers.



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