With the increase of obesity, type 2 diabetes are becoming more numerous.Support is sometimes complex but always starts with rules lifestyle modifications .
Diabetes: changing growing
Our lifestyle , combining physical inactivity and unhealthy diet (too fatty, too sweet, too many calories), is not solely responsible for the increasing number of people with diabetes . The aging population also plays an important role, even if the diabetes is also increasing among young people.
How do I know if one is affected by diabetes?
The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is based on measurement of fasting glucose, from a simple blood test: if diabetes , the glucose is greater than 1.26 g / l. Screening early is a priority because the more we act, the sooner treatment is effective.
The treatment of diabetes
The type 2 diabetes is due to secretion of insulin and mostly insufficient resistance to insulin , a hormone whose function is to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood (glucose). Thus, gradually, a hyperglycemia develops. The disease develops gradually, requiring treatment more aggressive because the diabetes is the cause of vascular complications (arterial disease, heart attack, stroke). If there are highly effective medications to correct the hyperglycemia, the management always starts with the practice of physical activity and weight loss. Indeed, a 5% loss of body weight reduces the risk of diabetes by half.Then, it is imperative to address the risk factors associated, that is to say, hypertension, high cholesterol , and implement a smoking cessation aid. Finally, it is necessary to establish dietary guidelines.
Here are some essential tips to remember:
- Eat meals at regular times.
- Do not eat between meals.
- Begin the meal with a large volume of raw vegetables or salad vegetables. In this way, the stomach is filling up fast, gastric emptying is slowed, the peaks of hyperglycemia are minimized and the sensation of hunger two hours after the meal is lower.
- Consume either starchy or bread, but not both at the same meal.
- Similarly, eat either meat or cheese, but not both at the same meal.
In all cases, the effectiveness of all dietary measures dictated by the doctor or dietitian, and drug candidates, is to constantly monitor: measures of glucoseand the glycated hemoglobin binding to a rhythm.
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