Friday, January 28, 2011


The anxiolytics are very effective against stress, anxiety, insomnia ... The little (or big) problem is that the anxiolytic lead to addiction and therefore tend to be taken long term by people who use them.

Your risk of death increases if you use antianxiety

It is now demonstrated in a Canadian study: people who use anti-anxiety had a significantly increased risk of mortality. Fortunately, this increase is still modest.The survey studied between 1994 and 2007, more than 14,000 seniors from 18 to 102 years.
If you are taking anxiolytics , your mortality over 13 years (duration of the investigation) could spend (on average) from 11% to 16%.

What are the reasons for this increase in mortality anxiolytics?

Accidents may be more frequent, anxiolytics increasing reaction time, impair psychomotor coordination. Serious falls may also become more common in the elderly.
These drugs are respiratory depressants and might tend to aggravate heart or lung disease.

Anxiolytics are they really involved?

It could be that the highly anxious or sleeping very badly to be in poorer health than others, resulting in a medication Anxiolytics more frequent than among healthy people. In other words, even if these drugs sedatives, tranquilizers are involved, it could be they are a consequence of a severe disease that can lead to death rather than a direct cause of death.

Anyway, it is strongly advised not to take any anxiolytic -long term. Better a health natural psychological and healthy lifestyle rather than a chemical carrier to decrease your anxiety!



The majority of drugs against the common cold contain phenylpropanolamine, a decongestant substance, while effective to prevent the nose from running, but accused of being responsible for rare but serious side effects, particularly brain hemorrhage. The safety of this drug have been questioned by a U.S. study published in December 2000, the United States immediately banned. Yet in France, as elsewhere in Europe, drugs containing phenylpropanolamine are nonprescription and even if the number of users is not known with precision, it is of the order of several thousand each year (Actifed days and night, Fournier Humex capsule Rinurel, Rinutan, Denoral tablet, capsule Rupton, Triaminic?). Why?

Phenylpropanolamine, also called norephedrine, is a substance akin to amphetamine, with a vasoconstrictor effect and therefore a decongestant. Used for decades in many medical specialties to treat the unpleasant symptoms of colds, a U.S. study published in December 2000 has cast doubt on its safety.Accused of causing / * 131/accidents strokes / * /, the U.S. Agency for Safety (FDA) has prohibited immediately. Be noted across the Atlantic, she was also incorporated, until it was banned in November 2000, in some diet pills, because of its appetite suppressant effect.

Stroke serious but rare

Thus, between 1969 and 1991, 22 cases of cerebral haemorrhage have been reported by the FDA in people coming to take phenylpropanolamine, including 16 through diet pills and 6 through products against colds . To ensure a real connection between this molecule, widespread (tens of thousands of Americans take each year) and these accidents serious, but rare, however, a major study was launched in 1992. More than 700 subjects aged 20-49 years who had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage were compared to 1,400 healthy controls.Overall, the risk of stroke is multiplied by 1.49 by taking phenylpropanolamine, or as an anorectic drug against the common cold, and by 1.23 if one considers only the products against the cold. The evidence is sufficient and therefore the authors estimate that between 200 and 400 cases of cerebral hemorrhage each year would have been the consequence of this stuff! Thus the U.S. has decided to ban the sale of medicine containing this drug, quickly imitated by Canada , the China and Brazil .

The position of France: no rush!

Still permitted in France and throughout Europe, the French Agency for Sanitary Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS) is currently considering this issue, but believes that there is no urgency. However, she recalled a number of recommendations on these drugs, including asking to respect the dosages and do not use them for example in cases of hypertension or a history of seizures .So why not ban them? Three main reasons have been mentioned. First, a reassessment of American Studies, which is expected to close in July, is essential. Then, if we remove these products, they will be replaced by other medicines containing vasoconstrictors, which also have their own side effects.And finally, the products against colds nonprescription represent a huge market!However, remember that cold is a condition that heals spontaneously. That is to say that the drug specialties are only alleviate symptoms without reducing their duration.



There is often a lot of time on the phone every day: take the opportunity to tone your body! Start by performing these exercises every third day, then every other day and then every day you will soon see the benefits.

By phone: Exercise 1

Lying on the right side, your hand supporting your head while the other holds the phone. Bring the left thigh on the ground near the chest. Lift the right leg and hold a few seconds. 3 times on each side

By phone: Exercise 2

Standing, the phone in one hand, stretch the opposite arm to the vertical shaking his fist hard. At the same time, raise the knee of the hand holding the phone and hold 6 seconds. 5 times on each side, alternating

By phone: Exercise 3

Standing, leaning up against a wall. Bend your legs together and stay together for at least 6 seconds, back straight, trying to keep the thighs closer to the ground as possible. Ascend slowly. 3 times. 4 times keeping tension for 8 seconds

Our tip

Perform these exercises, preferably before meals. If you ate slightly, you can do after - provided, however, do not put your head down.



Against the damn cellulite, that can bring us the spa ? Massage primarily, but also skin care firming, toning and diet programs.

Anti-cellulite massage

Against cellulite, the first and main weapon is the massage. Cures Thalasso have the advantage of offering all kinds of massage. In addition to the famous lymphatic drainage performed by a professional trained in this technique, the use of sea water does wonders such as jet showers and underwater shower. In the first case, it is a massage at a distance in which a jet of variable power (handled by a hydrotherapist) scans the body, focusing on the areas to be treated. The underwater shower is exactly the same principle, but care takes place in a tub of sea water may also be proposed as a cure for spa , massage technique using rolled-felt, as 'endermologie (technical type "Cellu M6" for example), which uses a massage device (two motorized rollers associated with a vacuum system) and whose objective is to promote cellular exchanges.


Pool, massages under the action of jets are accompanied by simple exercises that engage the muscles of the thighs. Physical activity combined with massage jets is a very interesting process against cellulite. In addition to specific treatments, cures spa offering a program of exercise, including aerobics and aqua-type which allows to refine the silhouette. In water, the body weight lost, while the pressure is all the muscles work smoothly.


The skin also is the subject of care: scrubs, seaweed applications and other specific preparations help eliminate toxins, re-mineralize the skin and facilitate the local microcirculation.

Slimming program

The dietitian's goal is to identify dietary errors. For this, it conducts a nutritional assessment. Then, a personalized program can be offered. Associated with many councils, it must allow after the treatment to start over on healthier food bases, which in the long term will be effective for losing the extra pounds. Of course, like any treatment of spa relaxation, fitness and well-being are at the appointment: steam room, sauna, relaxation session, sports activities, etc..



Quick, quick! Summer is approaching!But do not miss your first annual meeting with the sun , which can be bitter, it is wise to make summer time well before the meeting. Nothing more simple assessment and review your bet on solar additions.

Prepare your skin to the sun: hands on fruit and vegetables

Some fruits and vegetables increases your natural defenses and, therefore, stimulate your pigmentation. This is particularly apricots, mangoes, watermelons, nectarines, melons and pink grapefruit are rich in beta carotene which, when deposited in tissues, protecting them from oxidation and absorb some UV radiation . At the fruit, handmade low on tomatoes and carrots, but also on lettuce, watercress, broccoli, spinach and peas. If you are running on their leaves or their skin a trickle of olive oil, you will make your skin more unsaturated fatty acids required for its flexibility and hydration.

Long live the beta carotene!

If diet low in fruits and vegetables, the solar food supplements containingextracts of apricot, vitamins A, B6, E, C, beta carotene, zinc, tomato lycopene or selenium can come to your relief. These cocktails impede the deleterious effect of free radicals generated by UV, which have a nasty habit of squandering your capital antioxidant defenses, and allow you to tan "better" expose yourself "less". In addition, the beta carotene stimulates skin pigmentation. The ideal is to start a course fifteen days before exposure (one month, for sensitive skin and light), continue for all of your holiday, why not, two weeks to a month in return for extending the holding of tan. But beware: taking these supplements is no substitute in any way for good sun protection.


Listening to people that really formed the responsibility of caring for our form is often tempting. Is it really a good plan?

Beauty pros: the temptation of pampering

Aside from waxing, which is still often painful, most beauty treatments are performed by professionals like, and rightly so: after two hours or even forty-five minutes in a beauty salon is total relaxation! Of course, the problem is that the pleasure to visit a beautician to get tickling is far from free. Better not take the usual pain of finishing on the straw ... But there are other solutions:

Make a spa lover, the space of one afternoon with friends. 

Learn from the pros: Observe the techniques and gestures of beauticians , products that are right for you ... and then imitate them!

Pamper yourself: one of the most enjoyable aspects of an institute is that it's time devoted solely to you and your well-being . If you manage to isolate yourself from the world for half an hour a week, even if only for bathing quite traditional, it will do you much good already ...

Other Food: a very important step

The dieticians or nutritionists are food professionals. They are experts in the art of balancing menus in terms of calories, but food intake (vitamins, calcium, trace elements ...). If you suffer from obesity that continues despite your efforts, or if you feel that strength to read and listen to advice you do not know what to trust, it is important to make an appointment from a dietitian responsible. And if you think it's too expensive, here are some tips:

Visits to the dietitian are sometimes reimbursed by social security in case of diabetes for example.

You do not need an appointment a week for months ... Often several sessions are needed to start, then a visit every six months just to stay on track. 
Please note that consultations among endocrinologists doctors and nutritionists are reimbursed by Social Security. 

Other physical activity: any good ... or ill

The coaches sports, clubs, sports are supposed to help you get in shape. They advise you, motivate you, find exercises that you are going, and supervise you to avoid injury. Anyway, that's the theory! In reality, it happens quite often that coaches and "personal trainers" are poorly trained, poorly trained and sometimes even dangerous. However, one thing is sure, they are never free! For those who think they need a coach, what are the solutions?

Rely on word of mouth: if several people are delighted with their coach , you have reason to trust him. But listen to your own feelings too!

An alternative: think sports. You will be in contact with people passionate about sports (rather than lovers of physical appearance, as is too often the case in sports clubs) and group practice is often a powerful motivator.