Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Their muscles, to tone and refine your silhouette without effort, it is the niche of the Power Plate . Hitherto reserved for sports halls, the vibration platform is now available under other brand names at home. But is it really a good idea to use a vibrating platform at home?

The principle of the vibrating platform

The principle of the vibrating platform , the best known brand is Power Plate , is to maintain a posture for several tens of seconds on a vibrating platform. The vibrations cause reflex muscle contractions, making the muscles at an intensity greater than that obtained by conventional strength training.
The allegations mentioned by the manufacturers are very wide. For our part, we can conclude that these workouts can muscle strengthening and toning the body. Must still adopt the right position and follow a proper training program.This is precisely the conclusion of trials published in the magazine 60 million consumers.

What about the vibration platform at home?

Noting that now vibrating platforms are publicly available and affordable (less than 500 euros to 1,700 euros cons first prize of Power Plate ), are they effective? Beyond the intensity of the vibrations provided by the camera, are they as easy to use at home or in gym or specialized room, which have the advantage of offering a coach?

The response of 60 million consumers is negative. So much so that the test could not conclude on the effectiveness of using the vibration platform at home. The problem highlighted is that the devices are not provided with adequate instructions for use. Certainly, there is a poster and a booklet showing the possible positions, sometimes even a DVD, but it lacks the elements needed to build yourself a true custom program (sequence of full sessions) depending on his physical level and its objectives.
Thus, at home, the individual finds himself alone with his machine without explanations really need to organize their own sessions. 

Practical tips for practicing at home

It will be understood, if one has a vibrating platform at home, it is necessary to learn the basics of organizing meetings and maintaining posture. Can be recommended to contact a professional. The easiest way might be to enroll in a room with platforms and vibrant with a coach. A series of meetings should help you learn how to build your sessions at home and your long-term program to achieve your goals.
Attention, a program on vibrating platform does not replace the practice of regular physical activity standard. It's complete!
Finally, it is always best to consult your doctor before going on a vibrating platform.

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