Reduce the activity
The study, Swedish, was conducted in 10 healthy men (very little but sometimes enough to give direction), active but not very athletic - less than two hours of sport per week but not more than 6000 performed per day (the suggested minimum is 5000 not). It was to ask them to reduce their physical activity over three weeks. The goal? Even if we know by statistics that regular physical activity decreases the risk of many diseases, it had so far not been shown to do less sports had a direct impact on the functioning of the body.
The paunch, it grows quickly
The result was conclusive. After three weeks of physical activity decreased, participants saw their visceral fat (that is to say that fat is deposited inside the abdomen) had a 7% increase. Now it's that visceral fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. It should not be confused with the subcutaneous fat, which forms just under your skin and muscle before. This fat then, that bothers us more often because it is easier to spot, had not increased in these three weeks. The experimental subjects were not noticeably bigger.
A real change in the way of working
The intra-abdominal fat was not the only parameter to change over three weeks without sport. The scientists also measured the subjects' reactions to their diet. Again, the results confirm the advice given regarding the physical activity after three weeks of inactivity, the body is less sensitive to insulin, the hormone that regulates sugar levels in the blood. And the amount of lipids in the blood after a fatty meal increased after the period of inactivity.
It's not quantity that counts, but the consistency
So do not hope, because we have been active in the past, our bodies long remembered. A few days of inactivity are sufficient to produce a measurable effect on the behavior of our organization. However, also recall that the physical activity of subjects of the experiment was far from great - less than two hours of sport per week. Is within reach of us all? Even the most sedentary are only a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes a day of form.
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