Two lots of tattoo ink contaminated by the fungus Acremonium fungi have recently been withdrawn from the French market (No. 7996988 and 7996989).This black ink mark "STARBRITE COLORS Black Magic" produced by U.S. company Tommy's Supplies. This decision follows the admission of the Czech Republic recently tattooed a person and having a Mycetoma (infectious swelling characteristic of evolving chronic fistulizing) associated with an infectious syndrome. Indeed, the species of fungi Acremonium fungi are known to cause such lesions, exposing them to a distribution in the body and causing osteomyelitis (bone infection). The Directorate General of Health states that the skin lesion may be associated with fever, it is usually little influenced by drugs and antifungal that surgical removal is often necessary.
It is therefore recommended that users exercise due diligence before embarking on a tattoo. And in case of occurrence of clinical signs on a recent tattoo (signs of infection, inflammation, induration, nodule?), See a doctor quickly.
This is an opportunity to recall the risks of tattooing: transmission of infectious agents, particularly hepatitis B and C, and adverse events related to the nature and origin of the pigments used and the quality of their microbiological preparation.
Update of September 14, 2004
Since then, two other references by the same maker, namely "STARBRITE COLORS TRIBAL BLACK" and "STARBRITE COLORS SCARLET RED" were analyzed, indicating the presence of the fungus Acremonium fungi, bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and pudida, and the bacterium Aeromonas .Accordingly, AFSSAPS (French Agency for Safety of Health Products) has banned the import, export, al marketing and use of its inks, accompanied by a measure of destruction lots involved. As for other branded inks STARBRITE COLORS, import, export, marketing and use are suspended for a period of three months, pending further analysis.
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