Body piercing: current status
Fad and / or identity, the piercing is very popular for many years. Complications from body piercing have already led to the publication of studies quoted in the media to alert the public of potential health risks. But so far none had focused on the extent and characteristics of the piercing , which would address these two outstanding issues: who are fans of piercing ? Which areas are pierced ?This analysis included 10,500 English aged 16 and over, selected by drawing lots.Attention in this study, the researchers considered the body piercings , excluding drilling lobe of the ear (ear piercing).
10% of the population is pierced,
Within this population, 10% have one or more body piercings (10 503 people in 1049). The youngest are most often drilled . The body piercings are more common among women: 50% of women aged 16 to 24 are pierced .
The anatomical areas affected by the piercing vary by sex:
In women they are in descending order: the navel , nose, the ear (outside the lobe of the ear ), the tongue , eyebrow, nipple and lip, and very rarely genitalia. In men: nipple, eyebrow, ear , tongue , nose, lips and genitals. It is thus noted that the piercing of the nipple is most common among men and among the areas least often breakthroughs in women. In addition, thepiercing of the navel is most common in women then it is very rare in men.Another surprise, the piercing of the genitals for twice as many men as women. Fortunately, this type of piercing is rare. It is strongly recommended by the Academy of Medicine because of the consequences may be extremely serious, and according to academics, those who practice them should be punished "is the title of violence resulting in mutilation or permanent disability or in respect of unauthorized practice of medicine if the piercer has prescribed antibiotics or anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs used.
Under what conditions are piercings done?
In 80% of cases, the piercings are performed by a professional tattoo / piercing. This rate reaches 90% for some areas such as language and the navel.But a number of piercings are performed by relatives, friends or the subject itself?
The complications of body piercing are common
In English this analysis, the 754 piercings among young people aged 16-24, 233 cases of complications have been reported. This means that 31% of piercings with complications! These complications require medical care in 15% of cases (115 subjects) and hospitalization in less than 1% of cases (7 subjects). The authors conclude that "although severe complications are rare, consumers continued to piercings could eventually cause a congestion of health services. "
Recall that the piercing is an invasive plant and equipment that is never insignificant. Hygiene conditions the risk of viral and bacterial infections, while each body area may present special risks (cartilage, mucosa?). It is therefore advisable to think long before you take action and in any case always consult a professional who adheres to strict health rules. And finally, piercings have cons-indications: Allergies to metals implanted, chronic skin diseases, dental infections, treatment with corticosteroids or anti-inflammatory, immune deficiencies, etc..
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