Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Purely aesthetic surgery is reorganized.Two draft decrees are intended to better regulate the practice of cosmetic surgery, as provided by law on the rights of sick leave facilities, competence of cosmetic surgeons, time of reflection and safety.

It is estimated at 200,000 the number of cosmetic surgery per year to 3,500 the number of practitioners, of which only 700 are qualified in the discipline and about 1,500 have proven competence. It is high time to regulate cosmetic surgery. To this end, the government will shortly issue two decrees, which were scheduled for three years by the Law on patient rights and quality health system.

They only apply to purely aesthetic surgery, to modify the physical appearance of a person at his request, without functional or under treatment. Thus, plastic surgery or reconstructive after an accident, treatment or correction of deformity are not affected.
The law provides for a five-year license for practitioners and requires them to perform their cosmetic surgery exclusively in facilities subject themselves to authority, which satisfy the technical conditions of operation. But the administrative permission to renew periodically, may be withdrawn if the institution carries the direct or indirect advertising for cosmetic surgery business, in any form whatsoever. The licensing decision will be issued by the prefect of the department and after compliance visit. The request must be filed within six months from the publication of the decree in the Official Gazette for the structure to continue operations beyond that period.

The second decree set a minimum period of fifteen days of reflection , between handing over detailed estimate of the patient, dated and signed, and the possible intervention of surgery. The profile of practitioners is also detailed, as well as all the technical conditions of operation.


The penalties for practitioners outlaws are heavy. They will, for example of 150,000 euro fine for acts carried out without the required official authorization to 30,000 euros in case of omission of obligatory quote to the patient and / or non-compliance of the reflection period.

But for some, surgery knowingly separate "normal" plastic surgery, is to encourage the creation of specialized institutions for purely commercial purposes?



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