The pain of the lower pelvic orabdomen are common and most women know them. They may be acute or chronic. Their causes of pain are multiple and must grow to view.
The stomach ache is common
The pain in the lower abdomen, all women know, whether a simple constipation, irritable bowel syndrome with gas, or a painful annoyance, that twist your stomach? The causes are numerous. Yet we must be vigilant because the causes are serious and it is better to see nothing until too late.
Painful menstruation: endometriosis?
For example painful menstruation. Well, this is not normal. If it happens again, consult because there is a disease that gives this: endometriosis. What is it? At each cycle, the uterus lining of a new mucosal whose vocation is to receive an egg if fertilization has taken place. In the absence of pregnancy, the rules will remove the mucous membrane with blood will drain from the vagina. But sometimes the lining grows outside the uterus, is leaving down the neck of the uterus, causing painful intercourse, or by exiting up through the fallopian tubes by touching ovary or even the abdominal cavity. For each rule, then there will be bleeding in the basin, where the pain in your lower belly. It is very important to diagnose this disease because it is treatable and if untreated, it can cause infertility.
The rules late: pregnant?
The other big event is known to delay the rule. If pain occurs while the rules are not normally come, we must think of a pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. The ectopic pregnancy is an emergency. In this case, the egg is lowered into the uterus and it was nestled in a fallopian tube. As they grow, it will hurt and especially expose to a rupture with bleeding. In all cases, a pain in the lower abdomen after delayed menstruation requires consulting immediately.
Temperature, vaginal discharge: salpingitis?
Pain and temperature should never be taken lightly. Several causes can combine these classic symptoms like appendicitis. But we also know that the PID is an emergency. This is an infection of the genital tract that goes back through the tubes of the uterus. Specifically, pus has formed and may invade the basin.The consequences can be formidable, as the obstruction of the fallopian tubes responsible for infertility, or infection of the peritoneum resulting in adhesions and pain chronic thereafter.
Other acute pain: appendicitis in the renal colic
The causes of pain and acute low-belly no shortage of appendicitis, a ruptured ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer, renal colic when a rock falls along the urinary tract?The important point is that all the acute pain should lead a consultation.
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