Sunday, November 28, 2010


The hemorrhoids are varicose veins located in the vicinity of theanus. When they are swollen and irritated, they can cause seizures painful. What to do in practice when such a crisis ofhemorrhoids occur?

The hemorrhoids usually heal spontaneously within a week or two. The disadvantage is their tendency to recur. In case of painful crises, what to do in practice? Here are 6 tracks to explore.

6 tips to relieve the crisis of hemorrhoids

1) Take a painkiller or anti-inflammatory to soothe the pain and inflammation.You can take it orally (tablet) or applied topically to the anal region, a cream or anti-inflammatory analgesic. Or use the form suppository.
There are also suppositories or anti-inflammatory analgesics.
Finally, frequent applications of aloe gel (Aloe vera) on the anal area can help relieve inflammation.
2) Clean the anal area after each stool. Unnecessary to resort to soap (it is also to be used sparingly because it can increase the irritation). Use toilet paper moistened with water or witch hazel lotion or wipes as those used for babies.
3) For pain, take a sitz bath in hot water, three or four times a day for 10 to 15 minutes. Conversely you can apply ice packs or cold compresses on the anal area for about ten minutes, three or four times a day to reduce swelling of veins.

6 tips to relieve the crisis of hemorrhoids - continued

4) You can use a veinotonic at very high doses, orally for the duration of the crisis (ask your pharmacist). These medications reduce inflammation and minimize pain. It is unnecessary to combine several veinotonics same time.
5) Fight against constipation. If necessary, use a mild laxative.
6) Watch your diet : choose foods high in fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals, wholemeal bread?), drink plenty and often, avoid spices, alcohol, tea, coffee, which increase the pain.
If the crisis of hemorrhoids are particularly painful or if it is repeated often, it is necessary to consult your doctor. No taboo, this condition is very common: a French two-over 50 years has been the experience?
The tips above are intended only to face the crisis of hemorrhoids, but not to treat or prevent recurrences.