Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Each year, the outbreak of gastroenteritis is responsible for more than a million physician visits. Among younger women, she is awesome. You should know that the management of this condition has evolved. It's time to shake up preconceptions and stop self-medication including systematic coca.

Gastroenteritis is the leading cause of mortality, excluding accidents, children under 5 years. But this is not the diarrhea itself that threatens the smallest, is dehydration! If adults can easily compensate for water loss and salt minerals by drinking plenty (water, broth, etc..) c ' is a real issue for toddlers. In infants, it is essential to prevent this complication early what dehydration using oral rehydration solutions. Their effectiveness is well demonstrated. Alas, they remain underutilized. These solutes are available without prescription inpharmacies. But on doctor's prescription, they are reimbursed by social security.Before the epidemic, it is recommended that parents of infants complete their preventive medicine cabinet with this product. But also, we must avoid givingcola ! This reflex widespread or systematic, must be abandoned. Pediatric gastroenterologists are now very clear: Coca-making in case of gastro can be dangerous worsening the diarrhea. In addition, the sodium content of the drink is too weak to compensate for water loss. These experts also advise to forget drugs and carrot, and not change milk. In conclusion, what is needed is to rehydrate the infant, systematically and only using oral rehydration solutions.If medical advice is usually not necessary, it is mandatory for young children and people with weakened. Indeed, dehydration threatens all frail subjects, includingelderly. Oral rehydration solutions are also recommended for these populations.

Can you prevent gastroenteritis?

The main mode of contamination by viruses is represented by the hands. It must therefore follow strict hygiene very simple: wash your hands thoroughly and regularly with water and soap, especially before cooking, leave the bathroom after the transit, and also systematically before dealing Baby! And for large, know that the classic gastroenteritis, viral or food, disappears spontaneously in 3 days.

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