The Oedipus complex, a name taken from mythology ...
Oedipus was the child of Laius King of Thebes and his wife Jocasta. As an oracle predicted that he will kill his father and marry his mother, the king decides to kill his son. The soldier charged with this mission simply abandons the child in the forest. There he is captured and raised by a couple of shepherds. Later, he arrived in Thebes without knowing anything about its origins. He meets a man and kills him during a quarrel. Then, before the Sphinx of the city, he guesses the answer to a famous riddle: What is the animal that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and 3 legs at night? The answer is the man ...Thanks to the good response, it defeats the Sphinx.
Subsequently, Oedipus marries Jocasta and had children with her, never knowing she is his mother. Then, years later, when the plague is ravaging the city, Oedipus discovers that it is his fault. This epidemic is punished for killing his father and married his mother. In desperation, he puts out his eyes ...
Subsequently, Oedipus marries Jocasta and had children with her, never knowing she is his mother. Then, years later, when the plague is ravaging the city, Oedipus discovers that it is his fault. This epidemic is punished for killing his father and married his mother. In desperation, he puts out his eyes ...
The Oedipus complex, desires fantasy
In psychoanalysis, a complex is a set of elements that might disrupt the unconscious conscious activity of the subject.
In the Oedipus complex psychoanalytic, everything happens at the level of fantasy in children. This is a set of romantic feelings and hostile like the story of Oedipus. The child who saw his Oedipus complex desires the death of his rival and the love of the parent of the opposite sex. Thus, a boy wants his father to keep away from her mother all to himself. Freud goes even further by explaining that the child wants even more: he wants a child of the parent of the opposite sex. Thus, the girl unconscious desire a child of his father. Freud believed that this complex is present in all children and he writes: "I found myself as elsewhere, feelings of love for my mother and jealous of my father, I think the feelings that are common to all young children "
"This child is his Oedipus... "This phrase from the famous Freud is completely passed into common parlance. But who knows exactly what the famousOedipus complex ?The Oedipus complex, how to observe it?
Since this is fantasy life, it is not always easy to observe this complex. It is often observed, however, in children's drawings. A boy described his drawing by saying: "I'm with mom on the train. Dad stayed at the station, he missed the train ... "A therapist will interpret this as a desire to have his mother all to himself and away from his father!
Of course we can also observe in small events of life if you have a sharp eye.
Of course we can also observe in small events of life if you have a sharp eye.
At what age saw the Oedipus complex?
It is between 3 and 5 years that we could observe the complex. It evaporates from 6 or 7 years. At puberty, the Oedipus complex is reactivated. The teenager then reacts by taking the distance from his parents in order not to be confronted so too brutal
How is the Oedipus complex?
It usually evolves to a discharge of impulses of attraction to the opposite sex parent and to the feeling of competition against the same-sex parent.
It will often function well in the sense that later, a boy has integrated its Oedipus and often choose a woman who resembles his mother! And then, competition, aggression he feels toward his father turned into admiration and his father became a model. Thus it must be to be loved by a woman like my mother ...
It will often function well in the sense that later, a boy has integrated its Oedipus and often choose a woman who resembles his mother! And then, competition, aggression he feels toward his father turned into admiration and his father became a model. Thus it must be to be loved by a woman like my mother ...
Ditto for the little girl who will eventually want to be like her mother to be loved by a wonderful man as his father.
Oedipus complex, how to react?
The role of parents is essential. So that the child represses his Oedipal, parents need help. When a boy wants to sleep in bed with his mom and his dad hunt is for parents to say "no, it is not possible, a woman sleeps with her husband."When a girl tells her dad: "Later, I'll marry you," it is for parents to say "No, your dad already has a wife. He will never marry you. You, you will find a husband just for you ... "These parental responses are guardians of development for the child.
If parents do not set these rules, these limits, the child may feel that his desire is master. Instead of repressing and build, it will be built without limits on its desires, which may become pathological ...
If parents do not set these rules, these limits, the child may feel that his desire is master. Instead of repressing and build, it will be built without limits on its desires, which may become pathological ...
It has never been possible to design a scientific study to objectify the existence of the Oedipus complex. The complex thus keeps its speculative nature.
Protecting the privacy of couples and prohibit the child remains a sound practice approved by all psychotherapists.
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