Sunday, November 28, 2010


Cystitis or bladder inflammation is very common, especially among women. It is characterized by a burning sensation during urination associated with frequent urination. It cures quickly and easily as long as you follow the treatment properly and especially to observe a few simple rules for healthy living. In summary, be aware that cystitis were less frequent and less reoffend especially if women were drinking more and urinating more often.

Cystitis is very common, mainly in women, because of the anatomy of the bladder, anus and vagina. Treatment is usually simple, but its long-term effectiveness is conditioned by the observance of prescribed time: stop treatment once the pain has ceased is a big mistake that exposes the rapid recurrence.

What are the symptoms of cystitis?

Cystitis or bladder inflammation resulting mainly pain during urination (micturition pain called) can be very intense, a feeling of heaviness in the bladder and also the urge to urinate, with only issuing few drops of urine. Urine may be cloudy, whitish, offensive. If they are red is that they contain blood. In general, the temperature is normal or is less than 38.5 ° C and there is no back pain, otherwise, it is likely that the urinary infection is most severe example of renal origin . Then consult your doctor immediately.

UTI is the most common cause

Women are particularly at risk of urinary tract infection because of their anatomy: the urethra (the tube that opens into the urinary bladder), vagina and anus are located next to each other. Thus, bacteria in the anus can get into the urethra and bladder. Urine constituting an environment conducive to bacterial growth, infection may develop in the bladder and cause inflammation: the bladder is irritated, resulting in pain, and no longer tolerates the presence of urine, hence the constant removal and in small quantities.
We know a number of factors favoring the occurrence of cystitis such as diabetes (the presence of sugars in the urine promotes bacteria growth), pregnancy (which decreases muscle tone of the bladder and leads to stagnation of urine) , repeated sexual intercourse, use of diaphragms as contraceptives and the pill, or constipation.

Other causes may intervene

Inflammation of other organs near the bladder (urethra, vagina or vulva) may be the cause of cystitis. Thrush, common condition caused by a parasite, may cause burning or stinging during urination. Infection with Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, may also be responsible for cystitis, and sometimes a vaginal discharge. Just as genital herpes virus irritates the mucous membranes, causing pain on urination.
Sometimes the urine burns occur in the absence of infection. It is an inflammation of the bladder without bacterial cause, called "cystalgie to clear urine. The pain will then lie rather in the pelvis and are permanent, often independent of urination.
We must also think about the allergy-related products used for grooming, whose starting point is the vagina.
Finally, in humans, increasing volume of the prostate can cause compression of the urinary tract and lower urinary flow, promoting cystitis.

How to confirm the diagnosis?

During a first episode, a urinalysis is sufficient to strip, providing information on the possible presence of pus and blood. If in doubt, child, or if it is a recurrent cystitis, your doctor will cyto-bacteriological examination of urine (urine culture) to highlight the presence of bacteria (Escherichia coli as often) in large numbers (above 100 000 cells / ml).
Other investigations, such as intravenous urography, ultrasound of the bladder or cystoscopy, will be prescribed only to the context, such as recurrent cystitis, searching for defects, abnormalities of the urinary flow or calculations.

The treatment of acute cystitis is very effective

It will be even more than the treatment is started quickly. From the first symptoms, urinary disinfectants are shown (they are sold in pharmacies without prescription), as well as medicines fighting against the spasm of the bladder.
If symptoms persist or are severe from the outset, do not wait before consulting your doctor. After a urine sample, he will prescribe an antibiotic to correct urinary excretion. The duration of conventional treatment is five days, but today there are short courses of 3 days and even treatment "minute" in a single dose. If they have many advantages (ease of monitoring, lower cost, less side effects), we must be aware that the risk of recurrence is higher and many doctors prefer their treatment of 3 or 5 days.
If the infection recurrence, treatment should then be extended for a period of at least one month, possibly taking several antibiotics, as the causative organism.

The rules of healthy living are essential to prevent recurrence

- Urinate as often as you need it,
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, between meals,
- Empty your bladder after intercourse,
- If you use a diaphragm, clean it after each use
- Wipe from front to back, and not vice versa,
- Wear cotton underwear, avoid tight pants,
- Avoid grooming products might be allergenic in the genital area (too aggressive soap, perfume, spray)
- Fight against constipation.


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