Sores, dangerous kiss
The cold sore or herpes of the face, is caused by a highly infectious virus. It spreads very easily during an outbreak, exchanging a kiss. Triggers the warning signs, while passing by the characteristics of relapses to treatment, all you need to know about cold soresor herpes labialis, in ten key points.
It seems that 15% of French adults suffer from herpes of the face (cold sores, herpes labialis). This figure corresponds to the European average. By extrapolation, an estimated 9 million the number of people with herpes outbreaks each year *.
1) The offending: Herpes simplex virus HSV
In 98 to 99% of cases, the cold sore is caused by HSV1. There are actually two types of virus, and HVS1 HVS2. For years it was thought that HSV-1 infects only the upper body, and HVS2 the bottom (60 to 80% of cases of genital herpes). We now know that each of them can intrude on the territory of another.
2) Herpes: Transmission through kissing
Herpes of the face is acquired primarily by direct contact with a person withoral herpes, on the occasion of a kiss. More rarely, it can also s'attraper during sexual intercourse involving the mouth in direct contact with lesions of genital herpes. Exceptionally, the face may also be contaminated by self-inoculation from a lesion Herpes located elsewhere in the body.
3) Location Main herpes on the lip
Most often, the lip is reached, but herpes can also touch the rim of the mouth, chin, nose, cheeks or any other part of the face coming into contact with the virus. Involvement of the eye (ocular herpes) is rarer, but potentially more serious.
4) The triggers of herpes
It is always the same for each individual, so much so that the person who makes a push of herpes is usually linked to specific trigger fever, fatigue, stress or emotion strong, rules, local trauma (repeated nose blowing, tooth extraction ...), sun, hot, cold, alcohol intake ..
5) The signs of herpes
Again, the pattern is classic: tingling, itching, burning, numbness, pain. With such signs, one in two is capable of predicting the occurrence of an outbreak, which is repeated over the same spot in a given individual.
6) The outbreaks of herpes lesions and
Several hours to several days after the warning signs, redness appears, then vesicles (small blisters grouped "in bouquet" and containing a liquid). Recent, fragile, quickly leave the room for small wounds raw, oozing, then skin area at scabs that will fall within days. The outbreak lasted about a week on average, and leaves no scar.
The intensity of attacks varies from one individual to another and in the same person at different times.
7) What time is it contagious?
Contagiousness is highest when the vesicles, rich in virus. But it also exists in the signs and at least a few days after the end of the outbreak.
8) What is the frequency of herpes outbreaks?
It is very variable. According to some studies, the average annual number of relapses was 2.4, but approximately 13% of people have at least six recurrences in the year. More outbreaks are marked and frequent, the impact on daily life is important.
9) Herpes: when to see?
Since the emergence of the first manifestations, without even waiting a few days. Indeed, it is the time of the occurrence of vesicles that the diagnosis is easier. One can even say that it is not possible to diagnose with certainty outside the complex when the symptoms are more apparent. Moreover, at the stage of early lesions, the treatment will relieve most effectively if taken early.
One can consult a general practitioner or a dermatologist. The lesions are characteristic enough to do without laboratory tests.
10) What is the treatment of herpes?
Molecules aciclovir and valaciclovir derivative. The first is available in tablet, oral suspension and cream. The second is only available in tablet form. Both drugs are most effective when they are taken very early in the outbreak. Therefore, we must always have in reserve in his personal pharmacy. Treatment in oral form (tablets) lasts five days.
These antiviral treatments Stems outbreaks and reduce the risk of virus transmission.
They can also be used for prevention (one tablet per day) in those with frequent relapses (at least six per year). They allow space and lessen the attacks, but does not necessarily make them disappear. Thus, we must know that stopping treatment, sometimes surges back.
You should also remember that acyclovir is available as a generic and some forms are not prescribed
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