In terms of contraception, there are two types of IUDs: the copper IUD and the hormonal IUD. What are their indications, advantages and disadvantages respectively? Point with Dr. David Elia *.
What are the major differences between the IUD and the hormonal IUD?
Dr. David Elia: The copper IUD is a small T-shaped device that is placed in the uterine cavity. It has a small copper wire, which, with the help of the plastic frame, causing a mini local inflammatory response limiting the fertilization of the ovum by the sperm and making the endometrium unsuitable for implantation.
Its drawback is represented by possible rules considered by users as too important. This disadvantage can occur in a small percentage of cases.
When this happens, simply remove the copper IUD and propose a hormonal IUD. The latter has the same shape as the copper IUD, 'T', but instead contain a copper wire wound on his arm vertically, it has a small reservoir that contains a hormone called levonorgestrel. It is a chemical copy of progesterone approaching, key hormone produced by the ovaries during ovulation.
The levonorgestrel will broadcast on the walls of the uterus and prevent uterine lining does not thicken significantly, so that at the time of menstruation, bleeding is relatively quiet (when they persist).
This same principle is found with the pill classic under the influence of hormones in the pill, the lining does not grow very much (to prevent implantation of any fertilized egg), which will result only few bleeding during menstruation.
With the hormonal IUD, a number of women will have even more rules at all, they will be amenorrhea. Sometimes it's what motivates women to choose what type of IUD.
The advantage of this IUD is to reduce the excessive rules with conventional IUDs, or even stop the rules. As such, we can even use the hormonal IUD in situations where women have rules too important, regardless of any contraception.
As for the disadvantages of hormonal IUD, they remain low and few.Emphasize the fact that a few Levonorgestrel passes into the bloodstream, which is perhaps the origin of some possible side effects include acne-like or weight gain, but a small number of users are affected. It is very rare that these effects motivate the removal of IUD.
Note that the effectiveness of the hormonal IUD is slightly higher than the copper IUD. The hormonal IUD is changed every 5 years, the tank is empty after this time. By comparison, the copper IUD can be replaced after 5 to 10 years.
Finally, the hormonal IUD is more expensive but better paid than the copper IUD because he is considered a drug.
Can an IUD accident pill? Can it be used as morning-after pill?
Dr. David Elia: We may well use the copper IUD as emergency contraception.
It is believed that the IUD acts at the time the fertilized egg will be found in the uterine cavity, or 3 or 4 days after ovulation. There is therefore 3 or 4 days or 5 days after sex max at risk for an IUD as a contraceptive emergency. By comparison, the morning after pill should be used 24, 48 hours or 72 hours after intercourse of risk.
The mechanism is not well known. Copper is also known to be spermicidal. But we also think that the IUD increases the contractions of the fallopian tubes, interfering with fertilization of the egg, or preventing it. Thus, fertilization would take place but the egg would come too early in the uterine cavity because of tubal contractions too fast. Finally, we mainly think that the IUD makes the lining hostile to implantation of the egg by a mechanism of micro inflammation.
Most notably, the installation of a copper IUD provides an additional delay in the implementation of emergency contraception.
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