Sunday, November 28, 2010


We all dream of losing weight quickly and easily. Know that there are natural appetite suppressant. Effective, they also have the advantage of not putting your health at risk, as is the case with many prescription drugs in pharmacies, which are also regularly withdrawn from the market due to serious side effects.

Do not dispose of products promising miracle weight loss through a rapid effect appetite. Assuming an outcome, you also put your health at risk. Instead, look in your plate and choose foods that naturally have properties appetite suppressant.

Water and other drinks unsweetened

When you drink a full glass of water or other unsweetened beverages, fibers become distended stomach, which induces a decrease in the sensation of hunger. This effect appetite is therefore obtained by a process of filling the stomach. Caution, however, liquids pass through the stomach quickly, resulting in an effective appetite suppressant short.
They combine the satiating effect of mechanical drinks with that of the fibers, well known for their effective appetite suppressant.
Raw vegetables
Also rich in fiber, vegetables calm the sensation of hunger. Note that their use also requires a major effort to chew. Or chewing precisely contributes to satiety signals.

Fruits rich in pectin

Pectins are fibers in the stomach, forming a gel-increasing feeling of satiety.Some fruits provide a satiety more important than others. This is for example the case of the apple. Note that as raw vegetables, fruits require an effort of chewing which increases their power satiogène.

Foods rich in protein

Foods rich in protein, especially the white meat (chicken, turkey breast, veal cutlet, ham) and some fish (tuna, salmon), have an effect appetite interesting.
The hard boiled egg
Also rich in protein, hard boiled egg gets a feeling of satiety immediate and also long term.

Cereals rich in complex carbohydrates

Pasta, rice, wheat, cereals are rich in carbohydrates that you feel fuller faster and permanently. If you prefer the full versions of these grains, the effect of appetite suppressants will be reinforced by a higher intake of fiber. 
Drink often, in small portions and without forcing the addition of fats or sauces.
In other words, satisfy hunger is possible by balancing your diet with foods with a good power satiogène. In parallel, we avoided the stress and we will return to the sport!


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