Sunday, November 28, 2010


Upon the arrival of their first menstruation, women suffer stoically for a few days menstrual bleeding.However, the female cycle can sometimes be faulty. Blood loss occurs when abnormally.
Bleeding may occur outside the menstrual period, being too heavy or prolonged beyond the usual period, which is normally 2 to 8 days depending women. Such symptoms always worried, and indeed, if sometimes trivial, they can also be much more serious. In all cases you must consult a doctor for reassurance and above all for treatment.

All the girls

Poor ovulation
In very young girls, aged 10 to 13 years, abnormal bleeding may be due to a malfunction of the hormonal cycle. This is the most common cause with 70% of cases. These girls suffer from hemorrhages spaced, painful and very abundant.
This is a bad ovulation causing an imbalance of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone). The first part of the cycle, which corresponds to the secretion of estrogen, is normal, however, ovulation is not good, the rest of the cycle is disrupted. Progesterone, a hormone secreted mainly during the second part of the cycle, is absent or insufficient. This imbalance triggers profuse bleeding every 30-60 days.
In some cases these abnormal bleeding spontaneously disappear, but because of their abundance, they can progress to iron deficiency resulting in anemia, with malaise and dizziness, before more severe complications.
Prescribing the pill is not a solution, because under the guise of a regular cycle, it could hide certain hormonal abnormalities. A review with temperature curve and blood test can easily detect ovulation and quality, and seek a possible anemia.The administration of progesterone for 10 days per cycle, resets the cycle and reduce bleeding.

More rare:
Some bleeding may be due to a disease of blood clotting disorders (coagulation factors, platelets). In this case, the cycles are regular but the rules are particularly abundant. Furthermore, injury also causes severe bleeding. The hormonal treatment is not blood but.
Ovarian dystrophy is sometimes involved in girls older than 14 to 18. This disorder of ovarian function causes bleeding and spaced hyperpilosity. This is hormonal abnormalities treated with progesterone and if necessary an anti-androgen to reduce hairiness.

You are a young woman

In women, hormonal disorders and more, all parts of the genital tract can cause bleeding lesions (cervix, vagina, uterus).
Remember that repeated bleeding and bring with them a loss of iron can cause anemia whose initial symptoms are fatigue, insomnia, shortness of breath and low resistance to infections. It is therefore necessary in case of abnormal bleeding consult a physician to follow a balance sheet (hormone assays, blood test and ultrasound) and to be treated.

Hormonal disorders:
They are due to stress, ovulation or PMS.
Sex hormones are controlled by the brain, including two structures, the pituitary and hypothalamus, which react strongly to any changes in psychological (shock, anxiety, and even a trip). Any stress can contribute to disrupt the hormonal balance and cause bleeding. Under these conditions, then we must seek to eliminate the causes, with calm and patience.
Minimal bleeding may occur during ovulation. They are harmless and simply reflect the reaction of the uterus deal with hormonal changes of this period.Progestin therapy or pill can eliminate these mid-cycle bleeding.
Premenstrual syndrome sometimes causes bleeding brownish just before the arrival of the rules. This syndrome is expressed very differently from one woman to another. It is characterized by symptoms very different a few days before the onset of menstruation: fatigue, headaches, bulimia, depression, irritability, insomnia, tension in the chest, etc.. It is probably due to an excess of estrogen and progestin often treated by that restores hormonal balance.
The pill may be responsible for bleeding. If they are light first thing in the prescription, they correspond to the adaptation of the body. They occur mostly with low-dose combined oral and progestin pure. Subsequently, after several years of use, the lining of the uterus becomes thin and can bleed so easily. A pill better suited then stopped the bleeding.
The IUD, in permanent contact with the uterus can also cause bleeding, especially heavy periods. Realize, however, check that there is not an ectopic pregnancy in IUD.

Fibroids are growths of muscle fibers found in the uterine wall. They are frequent, gynecologists discovered incidentally in one in five women during the annual review. As long as they do not cause bleeding, fibroids are considered mild. Their exploration (balance sheet, smear, ultrasound) and monitored by regular gynecological enough.
However, they are not trivial when the rules are too heavy, take too long and are accompanied by blood clots. This bleeding does not appear outside the menstrual period.
Medical treatment is proposed. If it is ineffective, surgery, if possible avoiding the removal of the uterus, is proposed according to the wishes and the age of the patient.
These growths are also present in the uterus, but causing all types of bleeding, bleeding from outside of the rules (metrorrhagia), the bleeding is too heavy and too long (menorrhagia). The polyps are detected by ultrasound and confirmed by hysteroscopy (examination of the uterus performed using a tube with an optical system). It is necessary to remove them to prevent them evolve into malignancy even in uterine cancer.

Other bleeding is caused by damage to the global uterus: endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining caused by infection) and adenomyosis (a benign tumor promoting urinary tract infections).
Hemorrhage of the first quarter:
In early pregnancy bleeding are most frequent in spontaneous miscarriages caused by an abnormality of the embryo, the egg detaches and is expelled.During the first ten weeks of pregnancy, miscarriage is not the only cause of bleeding, you should check the viability of the embryo by ultrasound. Nine times out of ten, it is a false alarm and the pregnancy continues normally. Otherwise, the miscarriage is recognizable by abundant hemorrhage similar to the rules.Treatments are often useless, except in the case of severe bleeding. If the miscarriage is natural he should let it happen smoothly. The rest, antispasmodics and ultrasound can wait and alleviate the psychological distress of the patient. In some cases it will perform an aspiration.
When ultrasound eliminates the miscarriage, the embryo is alive and well, a detachment of the placenta without gravity or a small lesion of the cervix weakened by pregnancy can cause bleeding. They are not serious and stop themselves with patience and supervision.
Sometimes, in 1-2% of cases, the egg, instead of moving normally in the womb, can develop at the trunk (98% of cases) or more rarely in the abdominal cavity (2% cases) or even more rarely on the ovary. These abnormal implantations that put young women at risk may be due to an infection or a scar. They are generally announced by bleeding from the very beginning of pregnancy. The ultrasound and hormone assays verify the diagnosis. If there's pregnancy and that the embryo is not yet visible on the ultrasound, we must wait, especially housekeeping and monitoring. If the ectopic pregnancy is confirmed, a medical or surgical treatment will be established. Today, they are detected earlier, thereby avoiding abdominal complications.

Haemorrhage 2nd and 3rd quarter:
Past the first three months of pregnancy, they are less frequent. Bleeding can nevertheless be related to mechanical problems of the uterus as a fibroid which hinders the fetus or an open collar that holds too bad the fetus. Some maternal diseases are also implicated: hypertension and immunological phenomena (a rhesus mother-which makes antibodies against her baby's Rh +).





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