Sunday, November 28, 2010


40 years, almost age midlife. Most often, this is the period where one is able to give one's best professional, economic life becomes easier, the turbulence of a couple's life have faded and children grow up? .. Yet, 40 years, life is not always smooth sailing, themidlife crisis we face ...
Mary has 40 years, she no longer supports the professional world in which she worked for almost 20 years. She just resigned. Franck, 45, decided to leave his wife and children. He took a room in town to "take stock". Sandrine, 42, strapped in Beauty Institute, looking for an anti-aging conceal her wrinkles on the face. Andrew, 48, faithful to his wife of 20 years, lives with a new passion passionate relationship. As for Claudia, she decided to make a spiritual retreat in a Buddhist community. All these forties who demonstrate in their own way, malaise, some questioned their lives, would they be affected by the same virus, CMV, that is to say, the "crisis of middle age" or "midlife crisis " ?

40, the age balance

At all ages, this raises questions about his choices in life but if all goes to 40,there was more room for error. The issues become more critical and more radical choice. At that time, many adults feel the need to take stock inside: What I really want? What can I change? What have I done with my life so far? What else can I do? What should I give up? And it sometimes in the form of a "crisis", more or less extended, this challenge is expressed.

40 years for some, it's now or never ...

The mid-life crisis can be expressed by a simple transient sadness, a sense of worthlessness, emptiness, by aggressive vis-à-vis its surroundings, by a lesser sexual desire vis-à-vis his (her) partner. Sometimes the discomfort is manifested by actual acting out as an escape from the marital home, sends a letter of resignation to his employer, an extramarital affair with a woman the age of his daughter (or a man the age of his son, etc..). All these behaviors are actually fed by a sense of urgency related to a realization that life is fleeting. In other words, the existence does not last long and the desire to live a full life, to escape the monotony wakes. The forty realize that the countdown has started and has not expressed some of his desires until now, it's now or never he can still do.

The midlife crisis, a new crisis of adolescence?

According to U.S. studies, this crisis would occur mainly between 37 and 48 years. The age of adolescence is long gone, yet there are similarities with the first life crisis. As a teenager, the forties, suffering from what some called also the "noonday devil", calls into question the established order. After twenty years ago to live a wise and reasonable, he seeks to overcome this straitjacket that stifles (and he himself helped to define). As a teenager, he is to transgress the rules and experiences he had not experienced before. Him (or her) in middle-aged crisis is also anxious to check his charm and does not hesitate to break with fidelity, he had built as a core value in her relationship. As a teenager, everyone expresses their own way this identity crisis, with more or less intensity.
The price of change
If the crisis seems to spring from the overnight, it is actually the result of a long maturation. It is often the occasion of a particular event such as death of a parent, illness or adolescence in one of his children. The challenge is to personal and family succeed in this "crisis " which is especially alarm signal a need for personal development. At age 40, there is still time to make certain career choices or emotional. It's also a good time to take stock of its essential values in life, to respond, evolve, change, adjust their choices and thereby give more meaning to his existence. And the success of this crisis also needs to mourn for eternal youth. In other words, the crisis of mid-life crisis is a healthy, necessary for a successful second half of life. Antidote to resignation, it is a great opportunity to help put his life in harmony with his personality and values.

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