Sunday, January 9, 2011


Alerts have already been undertaken vis-à-vis the henna tattoos in black, because they may contain a substance to cause reactions Allergic : para-phenylenediamine (PPD). This substance allergen is also found in some cosmetics, and is not the only one capable of causing allergies contact.

Illegal allergens in cosmetics

Cases of allergy to para-phenylenediamine contact (PPD) continue to increase.This molecule is illegally used to give color to some black henna tattoos. But PPD is still used illegally in some cosmetic products, as some ricils or eyebrow pencils and some hair coloring. These dyes may be responsible for eczema eyelids and severe conjunctivitis. Getting back to tattoos, some reports have mentioned the presence of heavy metals (nickel, cobalt) in preparations for tattooing.Sometimes, the henna itself has been identified as the triggering of allergic contact. On nickel, which is part of heavy metals, and as such accumulates in the body without definitively that it may never reach eliminate, cases of contact dermatitis to nickel have been reported in intensive users of mobile phones (at the cheek near the ear and the flag).

Hydrolysates of wheat are also responsible for contact allergies

Hydrolysates of wheat (protein fragments obtained by hydrolysis) are increasingly used as a protein source. Today, they often replace animal protein in cosmetics and in food. Now they are responsible for immediate hypersensitivity reactions and contact dermatitis. They are found under the international name: hydrolysed wheat protein, a substance in eye makeup, nail polish, hair sprays or gels showers.

In practice

If a reaction, consult your doctor, who may direct them to a dermatologist or an allergist to determine the cause of the allergy. Tests with the products of the patient being very useful, it is recommended to keep the suspect products. The eviction will conduct to follow once the allergen identified. It will then seek alternatives in collaboration with her doctor.


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