Tuesday, January 4, 2011


The hair of many women pose aesthetic problems but very often psychological.For Dr. Catherine Goursac *, "the laser hair removal should be offered to girls aged 18-20 as well as driver's license. "This technique has the enormous advantage to finish with the hair permanently, provided you use a medical laser, wielded by a doctor and a medical center.

For some women (mostly blond), hair does not represent a problem. But for most others, the hair is annoying and can even be a serious aesthetic problem with significant psychological impact. Going on vacation when you want, choose to put a skirt or shorts without having to check in advance if you can or not, these are examples of freedom that some women simply can not afford. For some girls, even under the stickers, the hairs are seen, they are afraid to undress in front of their boyfriend, they do not feel sharp. Most girls are embarrassed to have a very brown hair growth anywhere on the body. They are hairy and they are very unhappy. On average, French women are treated in the laser half-legs, underarms and bikini line. But I often treat the hands, buttocks, backs of women?

How effective is laser hair removal?

With the laser hair removal , we can eliminate up to 95% of body hair. This technique applies to all persons who are embarrassed by their hair. In general, 5 sessions are required, spaced 1 to 2 months, sometimes 3 months. Its cost is roughly the price you spend at the beautician for two years at a hair removal wax per month. The difference is that the laser hair removal is permanent. It is free of hair for life. Please note, beauticians offering of laser hair removal use different lasers. They are inefficient and do not provide a definitive result. This is why 20 to 30 sessions are needed to gain only a mitigation of the hair and not a loss of hair. This is a kind of unfair advertising, because women who have tested the laser hair removal at the beautician say it does not work correctly. To be effective and ultimately, any laser hair removal should be performed by a physician, under medical supervision, using a laser and a medical clinic, is the law.

What is the principle of the laser?

The laser uses light and specific wavelengths corresponding to different colors.Thus, when the laser meets certain colors, the light energy is transformed into heat energy. For laser hair removal , we use a wavelength that goes with the whole range of browns. Is destroyed by heat and specifically the hair root, but not skin. This is the interest of the laser: an attack specifically leaving surrounding tissue unharmed. The laser works very well on blond hair a little darker, but not on the hair completely white or transparent, nor the red hair.Indeed, the root of the hair is usually brown in color because it contains the pigment melanin (the same pigment that is responsible for tanning the skin). In case of transparent or white hairs, the root contains no melanin and therefore the laser is ineffective because without pigment, it does not target. Being tan is a cons-indication to laser hair removal because the skin contains an area of melanin, which will be the target of the laser and not specifically the root hairs.However, people have a dull skin melanin which lies deeper. The use of laser is much less dangerous. In short, the laser (Alexandrite) is used on fair and dark skin, but not black or mestizo skins, nor the tanned skin. For skin mestizo and black, heavily laden with melanin, we may invoke a special laser, Yag laser, but it is slower and more painful.

Laser hair removal is painful?

Yes, burning the hair root by laser can be painful and it varies according to skin color: the more one is matte was more painful, the more clearly the less it hurts.By comparison, the laser is usually less painful than waxing. To alleviate this pain, we send a severe cold (-64 ° C) on the skin.

What happens there between each session?

Women think that from the first session and for a good time, they will not be very pretty. This is not true, once they start, they have perfect skin. Why?Because the sessions are conducted at approximately six weeks apart, just when the bristles start to push (careful, no waxing before a session is removed because the laser target). People think that pulling off the hair at the beauty and pushes it a month later, the same hair. Not at all! Hair grows in bursts. The hair cycle is six months to one year on different areas of the body. The laser must gradually exhaust all the bursts when each of them emerges.

And on the face?

The laser is highly effective throughout the body, but a little less on the face.Facial hair changes a lot with age. You have for example more facial hair at age 50 until age 40. But we are not able to destroy the hair that will exist a few years later. But as this facial hair is under hormonal influence, we can combine the laser with a cream (it is not hormonal, but hormone-based) can block the local conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Applied to the chin or mustache, this combination can eliminate up to 70% of the hair. A final point to be made regarding the interest of the laser for bikini: hair removal by force, people who develop ingrown hairs and pimples can make scars can get rid of this problem in a few sessions of laser.




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