Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Moisturize his skin is important at all ages. For young women, it is to slow the aging of the skin , for older women, to preserve the skin 's health and appearance of youth. Why the hydration is so important?

Hydrated skin looks younger

How is skin hydrated , compared with a skin too dry? More colorful, more rounded, softer, softer. That is to say it has all the characteristics of young skin!Besides all dermatologists, including those who practice real rejuvenation operations, soft or heavier, confirm that hydration daily is the foundation upon which the skin care can be built. They also know that the skins well hydrated , naturally or by regular use of products of good quality, age better than dry skin.

Less hydrated skin aging, and better

The aging of the skin that is not sufficiently hydrated can not be explained solely by lack of water in the skin. Indeed, it is also the hydration that makes the minerals that our skin needs to be healthy. Minerals (iron, magnesium, calcium and others) nourish the skin, and allow him to defend himself against attacks. The skin is soothed, less fragile and more durable.

Older skin needs more hydration

Another element that binds the hydration of the skin to age: the fact that female hormones promote the hydration of the skin. Now these hormones, women can not count on all their lives ... With menopause, they eventually disappear. Consequently, women's skin is less hydrated after menopause. As addition to other factors that promote aging, beauty vigilance around the menopause is terribly important. Otherwise, the depression that is guaranteed!

Not only put a cream ...

We see that the hydration is an issue closely related to aging. He must also see that it is a broader theme than is usually believed. Indeed, applying a cream is not the only way to moisturize your skin! It is equally important, when skin tends to be dry, do not use too astringent (lotions or cleansers are sometimes).And limit the scrubs at a minimum, without making overlook this important step.


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