For a flat stomach, move at every opportunity
Do not be stingy with movements. Move any occasion and create opportunities: stairs instead of escalators, walking, Vélib ', but also housework, gardening, etc..Every movement counts for each of them contributes to total physical activity daily.
Learn to breathe through the belly
An excellent way to work on his belly is to breathe through the belly : inflate your belly (not your lungs) when you breathe in, then initiate the expiration returned in the stomach. Breathing through the belly is also a great relaxation exercise.
Think of your belly shrink regularly
In a queue, at work, waiting for the subway? do your working posture: grow up, pull your tummy and squeeze your buttocks. Make this little exercise very often, take out your belly several times each day.
Do sport is essential to a flat stomach
Whatever your sport, complete with the exercises that work the abdominal muscles, the abs and obliques as: pedal statement bust, torso rotation, etc..The objective regularity!
Eat light
Count on quality and not quantity. Avoid heavy meals and limit fat products: pastries, crisps, biscuits, sauces, meats, cakes, etc.. Cook your own simple recipes at the expense of ready meals.
Fight against constipation
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains prefer pasta, rice, bread?These three food categories are the guarantee of a good bowel movement.Drink plenty of water Force yourself to drink enough: 1.5 liters per day. Water is the ideal drink but you can reach your goal with tea and herbal tea (sweetened with a sweetener if necessary). However, no sodas or alcohol.
Massage your belly
In your bed, during a nap, shower, massage your belly with movement in a circle. Start near the navel and then gradually widen the circle size to the hips.
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