Wednesday, December 29, 2010


You're tempted to hide your wrinkles or have resorted to injections of wrinkle fillers ? In all cases, inform yourself well in advance and know that the authorities have made recommendations concerning these injectable wrinkle fillers .

Injectable wrinkle fillers

To reduce wrinkles , cosmetic doctors can inject under the skin a wrinkle filler. Like any medical device, the risk / benefit ratio of this technique should be as favorable as possible. But this is a benefit only aesthetic and therefore subjective, the associated risks must really be as minimal as possible. In other words, these products are closely monitored by the French Agency for Safety of Health Products (Afssasp).

Nonabsorbable products are not recommended

Currently, 80 products are marketed in France by 25 manufacturers, mostly based on hyaluronic acid. These products have been classified according to their life in the body. It distinguishes the resorbable injectable products , the products slowly absorbable and nonabsorbable. These are not eliminated by the body. Once injected, they remain present permanently under the skin.
The lifetime of the injected product is related to the incidence and intensity of possible adverse reactions. 
Overall, the product is more absorbable, there is less risk of side effects, and vice versa. 
The wrinkle fillers may cause immediate reactions like bruising or erythema (redness and itching), delayed reactions such as the appearance of pigmentation of the skin or allergies, and infections, which are linked to conditions aseptic injection itself. Finally, very rarely can occur necrosis or granulomas. These manifestations are more severe and strongly associated with fillers least absorbable. Accordingly, Afssaps advises against using non-resorbable.

Advice to patients using injections of dermal fillers for wrinkles

- Before any injection, you must clearly indicate to the doctor your medical history and any product previously injected with a description of possible side effects occurred. 
- You must keep for 15 years your own folder, containing all documents relating to your aesthetic procedures and products used.
- These documents must indicate the characteristics of the injected product (trade name, manufacturer, batch number °) and the circumstances of the injection (physician, location, indication and injection site). 
- Be aware that wrinkles fillers must include the symbol associated with 4-digit EC defining the certifying agency.

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