Thursday, December 30, 2010


A strong back is the assurance of enhanced health and a graceful silhouette. Here is a program that is both restorative and preventive. A 2 or 3 times per week on offense, 1 to 2 times maintenance. And whenever the need arises (back tense, tired cervical or lumbar).

Train your back: Exercise 1

Lie on your back, knees bent and held tightly by the hand, bring your knees toward your chest and swing slightly back and forth but also from left to right. 

Return to starting position, repeat. 

Twenty times

Train your back: Exercise 2

Lie on your back, hands behind head, knees bent. Bring your right knee toward you. Exhale slowly raising the chest and move your left elbow toward right knee.

Repeat on the other side. 

12 times, alternating

Train your back: Exercise 3

Sit on a chair now. Your arms are extended and stretched, same for your legs, feet flexed. Spread simultaneously arms and legs up and hold the extension 8 seconds.


5-8 times

Our tip

The abdominal muscles are the body's natural corset: it is they that keep your back straight. Do not forget!

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