Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Slight or pronounced, the double chin is more or less accepted by those who wear it. Can we get rid of it? What techniques are now available to mitigate or eliminate a double chin ? Update with Dr. Catherine Goursac , aesthetic doctor.

How to form the double chin?

Dr. Catherine Goursac: The double chin is the result of two developments, accumulation of fat and sagging skin. The double chin also has the power to age significantly, especially with the passing years, the bottom of the plays tends to go down to the neck, which reinforces the aspect double chin .
But good news: refine and tighten that part of the face (cheeks, chin and neck also) is possible with a result that is getting younger. 
For proof, if you make a plan, the first thing you see is a refinement of your face. So often, people notice that you have lost weight before you even lost weight because your body than your face, He has matured.

How to get rid of a double chin?

Dr. Catherine Goursac: The most effective treatment of double chin rests on liposuction. It is sucking the fat cells to make them disappear permanently.
This procedure is performed by a surgeon in the operating room, which makes a tiny incision on the horizontal part of the chin, well below, which is invisible.
Warning: this operation can be done on young skin, because it will be good to retract, until about age 35. 
Beyond that, we practice the lifting of the lower face. We just cut a line of skin of one, two or three centimeters.
Both types of treatments are very effective.
For those not wishing to use the real surgery, there is an alternative, called semi-surgical, laser lipolysis. Even if it is done in an outpatient laser lipolysis should be performed in an operating room. So these are the surgeons who are best qualified to implement this technique.
Laser lipolysis is to destroy fat cells by heat. This method also has a tightening effect on skin.

Are there methods milder, non-surgical?

Dr. Catherine Goursac: Other treatments available against double chin can be practiced by physicians aesthetic.
They have at their disposal: 
- Carboxytherapy (CO2 injection to improve local microcirculation, sagging skin and reduce the volume a bit). 
- Radiofrequency (destruction of fat cells by heat and stimulation of collagen synthesis).
- The mesotherapy (injection of active ingredients).
- Ultrasound, etc.. 

All these techniques help stretch the skin and refine the volume of the chin, but to different degrees. For example, carboxytherapy is particularly interesting to tighten the skin, while radiotherapy is somewhat more efficient to work the volume and refine the double chin .
The advantage is that these methods, which all require multiple sessions can be combined to obtain a result very personalized, taking into account the individual anatomy and objectives. 

The disappearance of the double chin is final? 
Dr. Catherine Goursac: In a sense, yes, all techniques are employed permanently dismiss the fat cells and extend it more or less skin. In contrast, aging continues, which may give rise to a new double chin after 5 or ten years.

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