Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The rings that come with bags under the eyes give a tired look. People with such rings are seeking ways to get rid of. Dr. Catherine Goursac tells us the different options against the ring with pockets .

What causes bags under the eyes?

Dr. Catherine Goursac: The pockets are due to poor lymphatic drainage. In other words, water accumulates gradually, it takes care of fat and ultimately cause a small herniated fat.

Can we use the surgery in case of rings with pockets?

Dr. Catherine Goursac: The most effective treatment is surgery. The procedure involves sucking fat after making a tiny incision is inside of the eyelid or in the eyelash. The gesture is performed under local anesthesia and can leave some blueprints for ten days.

The look is not changed if we are content to empty the bag. However, this intervention can be coupled with a slight lifting of the lid inside (it tightens the skin a little).

The bags under the eyes can return a decade later because the lymphatic drainage is not always ideal. 
Sometimes after surgery, a hollow may be emerging in the eye and give new printing also more tired and wrinkled. Today surgeons are very cautious and careful not to completely empty the bag to prevent, and reserve this operation for rings whose pockets are important.

What are the alternatives against the ring with pockets?

Dr. Catherine Goursac: When the bag is nascent, it is recommended to go to a beautician, which teaches you how to perform a lymphatic drainage of the lower eyelids.
Several learning sessions are needed to succeed in emptying the bag properly.This manipulation can then be made in all the circumstances that promote the swelling of the eyes, either during the day or early morning. Be aware that pockets are formed more easily after a bad sleep, after sleeping in an overheated room or after a party the night before. Alcohol or excessive salt also plays a facilitating role. Still, there is also a hereditary factor.

People who have a sensitivity to the pockets can also apply a cold mask over their eyes in the morning.

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