Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The double chins , unsightly, can be effectively alleviated by performing simple exercises which work the muscles of the neck and lower face. Here are three, to test every day.

Double chin exercises cons

These cons double chin exercises should be performed daily to obtain a significant result. The effects will be visible after a few months, be patient and persistent.

The starting position is identical for all three exercises: 
Seated, back straight, shoulders down, arms relaxed, hands on knees. 

Cons double chin: Exercise 1

Raise your head slowly inhaling through the nose for 5 seconds. Hold your breath for 5 seconds, closing his eyes and move your lower lip over his upper lip, as if you were sulking. Slowly release and repeat this exercise ten times.

Against double chin exercise  2

Gently lower the head by bringing your chin to your chest. Perform this movement by exhaling through the nose. Take your time (5 seconds or more).Raise your head slowly and repeat this exercise ten times.

Against double chin exercise No. 3

Head straight, move your chin forward slowly and hold for 5 seconds. To repeat a dozen times.

In the long run, increase the time of inspiration through the nose, retention and exhalation through the mouth. This exercise breathing relaxation and well-being.

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