Thursday, December 30, 2010


In winter, cuddle her skin is not luxury but the must. And for good reason: weakened by the cold , it tends to dry out or, at worst, to chapping and cracking.

In everyday life, we must fight against the cold in moisturizing and nourishing the skin using cosmetics appropriate. The goal is to restore the balance of the film hydrolipidic, a sort of natural barrier of the skin that tends to be affected by the cold . Devoid of this armor, the skin becomes more sensitive, reddened and itchy for no reason. If the problem continues and grows, it can even show lesions as cracks, crevices or even real plates skin that dries out, why should consult a dermatologist. To avoid reaching this point, in our climate, applying a good cream moisturizer once or twice a day is usually a sufficient extent. People whose skin is already dry by nature redouble careful in choosing a cream a little richer than usual, while oily skin opt for creamier texture (rather than creams gels for example) but not necessarily richer (otherwise they may clog pores).During the winter, avoid over-aggressive cleaning of the skin . Do not be afraid to change your habits, from soap without soap or a mild cleansing milk instead of your usual product. Indeed, products that need to be used with water increasing the dry skin .

Hands and lips in danger zones

The hands, like the lips, require special attention because they are inherently low in protective elements provided as sebum example. In addition, in winter , they are constantly exposed to the cold and wind, which further aggravates their sensitivity. Always thoroughly dry hands after washing and apply several times a day moisturizer and protective base glycerin or glycerol, elements that bind water in the skin . Remember to wear gloves when you go out: the protective clothing is as important as cosmetic measures. Housed in the same boat as the hands, lips tend to crack easily under the effect of moisture coupled with the cold . To avoid the burning and cracking, one solution: the coat of protective balm constantly and do not hesitate to offer them a course of special cream lip to restore their water balance.

Body: not to forget

Finally, do not neglect the body which, even under the shelter of warm clothing, also suffers from the cold . Because of the friction of clothes, the skin tends to lose its dead skin cells, which then accumulate on the skin. So use a scrub every week, but few choose it as aggressive as possible. And do even more than the rest of the year, hydration a daily gesture. Take the opportunity to play refined by choosing a body cream in the same range as your perfume seductive fragrance effect guaranteed!


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