Monday, January 3, 2011


More than a few months before summer, and we do not see them: those small unsightly fat deposits! To try to smooth skin, he'll have to deal with this cellulite !

What strategy against cellulite?

When our fat cells store more than they déstockent (a sign that we eat too much and we do not spend enough), the balance shifts to the right and the pounds accumulated and concentrated in the worst parts of our figure: size for men (love handles), thighs, buttocks and hips for women. 'Programmed' to make reservations, they are the first victims of cellulite .
Height of bad luck, lose a few pounds and return to sport soft is not always enough, because these are the deep fat harder to dislodge. Hope to reduce water retention and help eliminate toxins, it should absolutely raise the local microcirculation. Is precisely the aim of slimming creams, whether commercial or manufactured 'home'.

1) Massage ten minutes after the shower

More effective than a cream anti- cellulite , massage is your best ally! Ideally, knead all the folds of skin that run under the fingers for 10 minutes each day, preferably after a shower, from the bottom upwards. The goal is to reduce edema and infiltration of tissues, reproducing by hand what some apparatus used in aesthetic medicine and combining aspiration, palpate and roll (endermologie).

2) Practice ten minutes of exercises targeted

All endurance sports mobilize fat reserves, they are unavoidable. It's even better if you're interested in that part of the body in the throes of cellulite . For example, to work your glutes, exercise is key to get on all fours, resting on the forearms, then straighten the leg back in the highest amount possible. And to melt the saddlebags, lie on your side and lift the upper leg keeping it tight, then make scissors. In practice ten minutes every day without exception, to hope for a result especially visible after three weeks of dedicated effort!

3) Make a poultice once a week

To facilitate drainage and purify the skin, make a poultice with 8 tablespoons of green clay powder and pour 10 drops of essential oil (ET) of cypress, 10 drops of essential oils of lavender and 10 drops ET of lemon (be careful, ET-cons are given to pregnant women and lactating). Also, take a dozen sheets of ivy (untreated, rinsed well) that you boil in 200 ml of water. Once cooled and filtered, pour the decoction thus obtained on the green clay, to have a smooth paste. Apply on cellulite and let stand 20 minutes before rinsing.

4) Put together your own massage oil

To prevent the cellulite does not install where it is not too visible, massage morning and night with this mixture of oils to yourself (not for pregnant and lactating): 20 ounces of oil Olive, 5 cl Calophylle oil, 25 drops of essential oils (EO) of lemon grass, 25 drops of essential oils of cypress, 25 drops of essential oils of grapefruit, 25 drops of essential oils of lemon, 25 drops of EO Ravensara and 5 drops of peppermint EO.

5) Apply your products at the best time

Whether it's an oil massage 'home' or cream anti cellulite market, the ideal is to put it just after a hot shower or a massage, when the skin temperature is a slightly increased. The active ingredients penetrate better and more quickly as they arrive on the critical locus, the better!


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