Beauty of the skin: the enemy, free radicals
To maintain the luster of the skin , facial care should begin as soon as possible. The skin must be removed daily impurities and hydrated. Do not forget the night creams because the skin is fed more and more beautiful she is. Today, most creams contain antioxidants, which applied to the skin , have a shield and stop cell necrosis. Indeed, the air pollution generated by the action of sunlight, free radicals in large quantities that accelerate skin aging. Therefore the fight by applying basic care including retinol (vitamin A), which stimulates production of collagen and elastin associated with vitamin C , which boosts cell renewal, andvitamin E . Another powerful scavenger of free radicals: selenium , which preserves tissue elasticity.
Skin: act on all fronts
Other gestures 'youth and radiance': a diet rich in antioxidant vitamins (A, C, E) - present in fruits and vegetables - an effective protection against ultraviolet rays and a daily consumption of 1 to 2 liters of mineral water. Prevention of skin aging also involves dietary supplements. Some plants such as burdock and wild pansy can indeed restore balance to their skins prone to acne problems. As for oil, borage or black currant seed which are full of essential fatty acids, they help to sweep the dull and preserve the bloom of youth.
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