Saturday, December 18, 2010

Check List "Travel Health"

Before, during or after your trip abroad is all that is needed to avoid health problems. Some steps to take before leaving to return to action, through appropriate conduct during your stay.
santé vacances voyage

Before the trip

3 months before departure , consult doctor and dentist:

- To update your vaccinations required or recommended depending on where you go;
- For you to prescribe a medicine kit appropriate ;
- To take stock and dental care.

3 weeks before departure :

- Buy items aid kit prescribed by your doctor;
- Add some mosquito spray and high protection sunscreen (at least index 40).

The day before departure , remember to put in your bag:

- Your vaccination;
- Your blood group card;
- Your vital card or insurance card disease ;
- Contact your travel insurance or your insurance (for France only).

During the journey

Sun :

- Avoid exposing yourself to hot hours (from 12 to 16h);
- Wear long-sleeved clothing (especially at night);
- Cover your head.

Food :

- Drink only bottled water or purified water (no ice, except for industrial production);
- Avoid raw vegetables, fruit skin, undercooked meats and shellfish;
- Wash your hands before every meal (and after using the toilet).

Mosquitoes and insects :

- Apply the product on the exposed parts of the body from the sun;
- Sleep under mosquito nets treated with insecticide and not perforated;
- Shake your clothes and shoes before putting them on;
- Wear ankle boots in tropical climates.

Warning : The ITNs are factory treated with appropriate products. Learn well the nature of the product to use if you want to impregnate one of your screens yourself. Some commercially available products are toxic and must be broadcast window.

Important :

- Take your malaria treatment at a fixed time , with a high fat meal;
- Consult a doctor before any fever over 38 ° and / or persistent diarrhea (especially with mucus or bleeding);
- Go immediately to a hospital if you are bitten, scratched or licked by an animal may be rabid (even if you are vaccinated);
- If a problem needing treatment, refuse treatment if the equipment is used;
- Contact your travel insurance before advancing expenses.

After the trip

Back from a trip to the tropics: 

- Consult your doctor and ask for a blood test;
- Make make reminders of vaccines;
- Continue your antimalarial treatment (1-4 weeks after the return depending on treatment).

Tell your doctor if:

- Redness following a tick bite (possible symptoms of Lyme disease);
- Fevers;
- Joint pain accompanied by great fatigue ;
- Fever (even mild), with nausea, headache, muscle aches or fatigue (risk of malaria, which can appear months after the return);
- Recurrent diarrhea (which may be caused by amoebas or other infection).

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