Sunday, December 19, 2010

Insomnia: Natural Remedies

Transient and chronic insomnia are often related to extreme nervousness due to stress but may also result from physical problems (snoring, nocturnal apneas ...). To go back to sleep, a healthy lifestyle and natural remedies are usually enough.

Les remèdes naturels contre l'insomnie

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder is not uncommon. It translates into:

- Difficulty falling asleep;
- Frequent awakenings during the night;
- Outbursts and impatience;
- A feeling of great fatigue associated with daytime sleepiness, attention deficit disorder and irritability.

Insomnia can be transient or chronic .

Sleep difficulties are often caused by the stress . This stress can be on time for the occurrence of an important event like a death, or more tenacious as in a hyperactive at work, psychological pressure due to a continual state of depression.

Insomnia may also have physical causes including cases of overweight. Breathing is difficult, it leads to snoring and sleep apnea . The sleeper hit of insomnia certify that I had a bad night.

Natural remedies promoting sleep

Depending on the cause and chronicity of insomnia, natural remedies available are obviously different.

When insomnia is punctual, a soothing herbal tea containing chamomile or lime can be enough to appease the sleeper and promote his sleep. When insomnia is chronic, a thorough treatment can be undertaken.

This treatment can be achieved using the benefits of certain plants such as orange blossom, lemon balm, flowers of hawthorn, passionflower, hops, verbena ... These plants belong to the traditional pharmacopoeia of herbal medicine can be taken as a tea, capsule, syrup or as a decoction of the flowers, leaves and bark.

Other natural remedies used globally to combat stress and so on back to sleep. These include:

- Trace elements;
- Vitamins;
- Magnesium;
- Manganese;
- Cobalt.

All of these can be taken as a cure in the form of particular dietary supplements .

The Aromatherapy also offers good results in massage or inhalation. Essential oils are most effective in promoting sleep are those based on marjoram in shells, lemon verbena, lemon balm, or chamomile. For children prone to nightmares, the essential oils of lavender, mandarin and chamomile are very effective.

A healthy life

Besides the natural remedies listed below, a good night's sleep is based on a healthy lifestyle.

To promote sleep, it is necessary for example to limit the consumption of coffee and tea but also of alcohol before bedtime.

A full and varied diet at every meal also helps fight against deficiencies favoring the occurrence of stress and anxiety.

Some muscle exercises before bed can also relax effectively.

The regularity of bedtime should be respected as much as possible to promote sleep.

Cases the most stressed also find benefit from reading in bed instead of watching television. A gentle and relaxing music can help to more easily find the calm.

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