Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lice and nits: how to get rid of lice

The eternal return of lice ... While we believe the assets of the ousted head of the youngest, the eldest of the hair are again flooded with nits. Inevitable? Certainly not. While it is true that like most resistant microbes, these parasites do not die as easily as before the application of insecticides. That is why most treatments now have a mechanical rather than chemical.
se debarrasser des poux

Tips for applying anti-lice

Good news. These anti-lice, most often developed silicone that wraps the intruder and kills by suffocation , are much less harmful to the scalp than in the past. That does not prevent them from being effective, but they keep their promises, it is essential to follow the recommendations of the laboratories. They vary from one brand to another but some basic questions are routine:

- Follow the exposure time indicated on the notice of your anti-lice;

- Reapply to kill nits that may have hatched in the meantime;

- pass a comb designed for this purpose in the hair to dislodge the last lice. Available in pharmacies, sometimes sold with the treatments, it is a special comb;

- Lotions, shampoos, sprays, all presentations are equivalent. Avoid sprays as well if your child or yourself have asthma or has ever had bronchiolitis;

- Respect the ages listed property, despite many advances in this area, these products are irritating.


In case of failure, which can always happen, your pharmacist can offer a product -based insecticide . In second line treatment, they retain their interest.

Also treat the environment

Lice can survive up to 48 hours outside of the head. To limit recurrences, wash clothes and bed linen at 60 °, vacuum the couch and into the car. To decontaminate combs and scrunchies , let the two days in a sealed bag in the freezer.

In future

A tablet effective against lice that are resistant to traditional shampoos and lotions? Maybe it will soon be a reality. French doctors and Inserm researchers have just demonstrated the effectiveness of a molecule, ivermectin, already used in the treatment of scabies.

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