Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The cellulite is unsightly accumulation of fat, most often localized in the abdomen, hips and thighs. It is mainly due to hormonal fluctuations in women at puberty, during oral contraception, pregnancy or menopause. The treatment is especially effective when introduced early.

The treatment of cellulitis based primarily on a diet suitable. Some local physical treatments show satisfactory results. As a last resort, surgery can provide lasting results on highly localized cellulitis. The best treatment is preventive and consists of rules to follow lifestyle modifications are essential for maintaining a beautiful silhouette.
Cellulitis, typically female
Did you know that our bodies contain over 35 billion fat cells that can multiply its volume by 400? The cellulite is a problem specifically for women: the man does not know the cellulite ... It is a natural phenomenon, caused by hormones in most cases, the 80% of women, whatever their age and weight. Fortunately, cellulite has no impact on health, its only drawback is aesthetics.

What is cellulite?

Fat is normally stored under the skin of fat lobules, called adipocytes. If storage and consumption of fats by the body balance, adipocytes are of normal size. If, however, storage is more important than fat intake, fat cells swell and constrict blood vessels and lymphatics. The water and toxins are then eliminated evil.Water retention associated with degeneration of collagen fibers give a dimpled appearance to the skin, known as the "orange peel".
In most cases, cellulite is in the lower body: the "saddlebags" is located in the pelvis and hips, the legs, it is located inside of the thighs and at- above the knee to the stomach, it often has a crescent shape.

Cellulite is not related to weight

The fact that the cellulite does not have a weight problem: virtually all women have cellulite, without being consistently overweight. The presence of cellulite is linked to many causes. The most common is hormonal, due to poor regulation of the production of female hormone, estrogen. A malfunction of the liver, a slow digestion and / or difficult results in poor assimilation of nutrients and accumulation of toxins in the connective tissue, contributing to the formation of cellulite. Disorders of blood circulation can cause the appearance of swelling and water retention areas that promote or aggravate cellulite. Finally, stress may also play a role: indeed, the nervous system acts directly on the formation of edema and therefore of cellulite, through expansion or constriction of blood vessels. In addition, the nervous system controls feeding behavior, which in turn influence the appearance of cellulite.

Risk periods

In most cases, the risk of onset of cellulitis is related to the pivotal moments of life hormonal woman.
  • At puberty, when hormonal secretions of the ovaries into place, malfunctions are possible, responsible for the appearance of cellulite at some parts of the body such as hips, stomach and thighs.
  • Oral contraceptives, which combines estrogen and progestin, can promote water retention and the appearance of cellulite in women predisposed. In addition, these hormones can increase poor circulation and venous edema formation. Fortunately, we now have a wide variety of products and assays that allow the physician to provide oral contraceptives work best.
  • During pregnancy, hormonal imbalance or excessive weight gain are factors promoting cellulite.
  • At menopause, hormonal imbalances are constant because the ovaries gradually cease to function. They are essentially marked by an excess of estrogen, promoting the appearance of cellulite.

The range of solutions is wide, but not all have the same efficiency

Their results vary widely from one woman to another, which means they are always performed under medical supervision after a full assessment of health status. The treatments are also more efficient as they are made on a recent installation of cellulite.
  • Breastfeeding is the most effective natural solution. The tendency of women to store fat is largely due to this physiological function. Many women will melt and their cellulite in a few months, the greatest of ease.
  • The diet is usually the first treatment offered, and in the case of cellulite, it rests on three basic rules: drink lots of water, eat less salty and emphasize protein foods (meats, eggs, fish, poultry and skinny white cheese). Proteins prevent water from remaining in tissues and contribute to the formation of muscles.
    An anti cellulite diet does not mean dieting, but if you have a few pounds to lose, that is where we must begin! Also have regular physical activity, such as gymnastics or swimming, knowing however that it will not remove the cellulite but it will help melt the fat.
  • Medications, such as anti-thyroid, diuretics or appetite suppressants, used very few years ago, are now strongly discouraged due to potentially serious risks they pose. However, it is useful to treat constipation or poor blood circulation.
  • Local treatments are in vogue today, but of variable effectiveness.Some have not been any evidence of effectiveness, such as massage or sweating obtained by different techniques (sauna, seaweed baths, slimming suits ...) creams and gels slimming receive wide publicity and some demonstrated effectiveness.
  • Lymphatic drainage therapy is widely used in cellulite : it is a kind of massage designed to activate the flow of lymph.
    The ionization can penetrate to the active ingredient in cellulite through a particular electrical current called ionizing current. It is practiced by about 30 minutes sessions and must be repeated several times a week to be effective.
    Two types of local treatment can achieve good results, mesotherapy and electrolipolysis. Mesotherapy is injected directly into the affected areas of cellulite active ingredients on it. Generally, ten sessions can obtain a significant result, if the cellulite is localized. The electrolipolysis is based on the properties of a diet low current, which stimulates fat burning and drainage of toxins. Six to eight sessions are often necessary to obtain a good result.
  • Surgical treatment for cellulite is liposuction. Practiced as a last resort, it is reserved for localized cellulitis, a skin covered sufficiently firm and elastic. Performed under general anesthesia, it is to introduce under the skin of the pods that suck the fat. The advantage of this technique is to provide lasting results, provided to prevent subsequent weight changes too important.

Emphasize prevention

Once installed, the cellulite is difficult to eliminate, at the cost of treatment often lengthy and sometimes uncertain results. The best solution remains, as always, prevention. It is to have good eating habits, limiting alcohol intake, sugars or starchy foods, and a healthy lifestyle, incorporating the practice of endurance sports (walking, cycling, gymnastics) or swimming .
The same rules of life must be followed after treatment of cellulite : watch your diet and maintain your body through physical activity!


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