Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In men, the erectile dysfunction are well known, well cared for. Effective drugs are devoted to them. And women, they have also their fault? The answer is yes!

Sexual failure or "sexual arousal disorder"

What we call failure is a disorder of sexual arousal. This in no way corresponds to a lack of desire. When a man is down erection, he usually says "I wanted to make love, but my body no longer met." Desire, emotion, do not turn into excitement of the body.
In women, the disorder is the equivalent lack of vaginal lubrication. Indeed, sexual arousal causes blood flow to the genital area, thus swelling of tissues. In humans, the phenomenon of erection. In it, the tissues surrounding the vagina swell, and, not waterproof (unlike the erectile bodies of the man), let a liquid, vaginal transudation.
The fault is that feminine feeling of vaginal dryness present even when sexual desire is the rendezvous.
We can make very clear parallel between male and female breakdowns.
Menopause is a particularly conducive to these women's fault. Indeed, under the influence of a hormone deficiency, desire can be difficult to trigger reactions bodily excitation. It is the same at the time of andropause. In men, decreased testosterone, erection is much harder to obtain.

One can also consider the effect of Viagra (or Cialis or Levitra) which in humans facilitates erection. In women, it would have the corresponding effect: to improve or increase vaginal lubrication.

Failure or lack of sexual desire?

It is also noteworthy that the first condition is sometimes the lack of desire, whether male or female. For lower libido inevitably a lack of excitement. Failure (erectile dysfunction or lubrication) is then a consequence of lack of desire. It's a totally different situation from that of a failure with intact sexual desire.

In total, it seems important to consider the lack of female vaginal lubrication as a real failure, not a simple lack of vaginal moisture. For it is not just a local disorder, but the manifestation of a lack of physical arousal. However, the failure of males was much higher for now studied the fault of women! Fortunately, the search begins to focus on female sexuality?


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