Sunday, December 19, 2010

Methods Lice: how to prevent lice

Lice? Nothing serious in itself, in our regions, these parasites do not transmit any disease.Anyway, the itching caused by their bites are unbearable enough to want to best protect our children. Not to mention the very negative image conveyed by those nasty critters who is accused, wrongly, to tackle the dirty hair and poor families.

eviter invasion des poux

Open your eyes

There are lice in the school or day camp? His head itches? Closely examine the scalp, especially over the neck and behind the ears. Caution: If the nits are always white, usually black lice may slightly change color to blend more easily into the background.

Lice Repellents

No trace of lice? As a precaution, better still use a repellent during the period of contagion. But beware, the products sold in commerce, if effective, may end up being irritating. Do not use occasionally, such as when your child will spend an afternoon at a friend who has lice.

On a daily basis, opt for a natural repellent that has proven essential oil of lavender for example.You can, after having deposited 2-3 drops on your fingers, rub each morning the roots of her hair behind her ears.

Styling tips when your child has lice

Your child can give free rein to his vanity: lice hate the heat of blow drying and styling gels texture.Encourage also the braids, buns and other ponytails that complicate their lives when they launch an assault on new faces.

In contrast, the pool, so much for the look, wearing a hat is strongly recommended. Surprising as it may seem lice are excellent swimmers!

Each business

Get your child not to share brushes, hair accessories, hats, scarves or hats with headphones playmates.

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