The sauna, steam dryer, comes from a Finnish-old tradition whose popularity has spread to industrialized countries. But what exactly are the benefits and risks to the health of the sauna, a practice now widespread and affects all ages?
While the hammam or Turkish bath (steam bath) comes from the South, the sauna or bath of dry heat comes from Northern Europe. If the sauna is fashionable in France, it is also an ancient and universal tradition. For safe use, here's a little reminder of cons-indications sauna, but also and above all, its multiple benefits for health.
The multiple benefits of the sauna
Despite immediate reactions involving the cardiovascular system (heat dilates blood vessels which increases the heart rate) and endocrine non-negligible proportions, the sauna is generally well tolerated in both children and adults.According to many scientific works, his regular practice is not dangerous to health. Instead, cleanser, it brings relaxation and wellbeing, but also strengthens our natural defenses, including the fight against stress and infections, boosts our circulatory system and exerts a tonic action on the skin.
Some studies suggest that in the long term, the sauna regularly improves:
o control of blood pressure in the hypertensive and rehabilitation after myocardial infarction, contrary to what one might expect;
o respiratory function. It could well be beneficial in patients with asthma and chronic bronchitis;
o rheumatism inflammatory (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), pain, joint, muscle tension and fibromyalgia;
o certain skin conditions such as psoriasis (the sauna does not dry the skin). In contrast, sweating may exacerbate some cases of eczema or atopic dermatitis.
What are the cons-indications of the sauna?
The cons-indications to the sauna are unstable angina, myocardial infarction and severe aortic stenosis. In the vast majority of cases, it is safe in case of coronary artery disease, provided it is stable, and in case of myocardial necrosis, provided it is old. Very little of myocardial infarction or sudden deaths were recorded during sessions sauna (in the absence of alcohol). Thus, apart from serious diseases identified (cancer, immediate aftermath of a myocardial infarction, acute infections such as flu or bronchitis), the general population can safely indulge in the sauna and take advantage. Note that certain medications just before entering the sauna can also be set-cons, such as antihypertensives.
In any case, if you're not sure how to practice the sauna, your doctor will advise you. And in any case, be attentive to your body out in case of disturbing or unpleasant reaction.
To be avoided: alcohol consumption before a sauna!
Consumption of alcohol is the worst enemy that is because it promotes hypotension pressure, heart rhythm disorders and their corollary, cardiac arrest.It is therefore important to refrain from drinking alcohol, and this well before going into a sauna !
The sauna is to lose weight?
Contrary to popular belief, a session of sauna can not lose weight. It is true that one can lose up to 1.5 liters of sweat (not fat), but this lost fluid is reabsorbed immediately when you drink.
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