Thursday, December 2, 2010


Ball, cysts, fibroids, fibrocystic breast, cancer? Breasts are a body part that worries often women. When alarmed, when to see, what tests to perform?Explanations and advice of Dr. David Elia.

What are the different kinds of balls can appear in the womb?

Dr. David Elia: We differentiate the fibrocystic, the fibroid (the fibroadenoma), the cyst, lipoma and breast cancer? 

Fibrocystic breast

Remember that breasts are mammary glands whose function is to feed a baby.Under hormonal influence (eg change in the cycle, pregnancy, birth control pills or hormone therapy for menopause estrogen dosed too?), Types of balls or rather induration may develop in the mammary glands. They are most often on the side where the gland is the richest, and sometimes wrong. Fibrocystic breast corresponds to a runaway of the activity of the mammary gland. She disappears as soon as the stress hormone cease. 
The mastoses are very common and are very concerned about women, who often consult on this ground. You should know that the fibrocystic no radiological translation, implying that there is nothing on the radio or ultrasound. 

Fibroma (fibroadenoma)

These are very common benign tumors that usually affect young girls around 15-20 years. But fibroids may also occur at 35-40 years. 
They are shaped like a ball of very regular 1 or 2 cm, as a kind of pill in the womb, and are completely painless. Mammography or ultrasound allow early diagnosis of fibroids.
As it never degenerates, it leaves in place most often. By cons, when fibroids appears after 35 years, removed as a precaution because there are cancers that are related to fibroids. In the vast majority of cases the response confirms that it was actually a fibroid. 

The cyst

The cyst is a ball full of liquid (in contrast to the fibroid which is full of fiber) for 1 to 1.5 cm or more. This ball is often very fast and when the liquid is pressure, it hurts. Cysts are not cancer and does not degenerate into cancer. 
The diagnosis of a cyst is confirmed by mammography and especially ultrasound. 
When the cysts are large or hurt, they can drain the fluid by puncturing with a needle. 
You should know that breasts often produce cysts is almost physiological, and it is generally unnecessary to puncture. 

Lipoma and ganglion

The lipoma is a benign ball of fat, rather rare. It is detected by mammography and ultrasound and is usually left in place. 
As for intra-mammary lymph walking in the womb, it is again, Benin and generally is not punctured.

Breast cancer

Only breast cancer is a malignant tumor. Unfortunately, there is really no symptoms, except sometimes the presence of a ball. Therefore, even if the balls are most often benign, better check to be sure it is not breast cancer. 

Finally, when it detects a lump in the breast, it has 90% chance whatsoever Benin, especially before 50 years-that does not mean that nothing should be done! Must consult the doctor who, after an examination, usually prescribed a mammogram or an ultrasound. 


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