Thursday, December 2, 2010


The hips are often part of the body particularly rebellious ... Lined with a balanced diet, these exercises should not delay in putting down the love handles !
For visible and lasting results, perform these movements as often as possible: at least 3 times a week, especially at first.

Refine your hips: Exercise 1

Lie on your side, legs straight. Slowly lift the upper leg as high as you can, keeping tension 5 seconds and release. After the show, switch sides.
A series of 10 students for each leg

Refine your hips: Exercise 2

Still lying on your side, rest your head on your shoulder and bend your legs at right angles. Inhale, then exhale slowly raising the bent leg on the side: you should feel the hip muscles work.
3 sets of 12 movements for each leg at your own pace

Refine your hips: Exercise 3

Now you go up, shoulders bare and their hands pressed against a piece of furniture. Your feet flexed and legs stretched out straight, raise one leg to the side. If this is too difficult, you can flex the leg slightly active.
2 sets of 12 students for each leg

Our tip +

During these exercises, be sure to keep your back straight and shoulders emerged: work your lower body does not release the bust!

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