Thursday, December 2, 2010


The pancreatic cancer is rare before age 50. It is diagnosed on average 69 years for males and 74 years for women.It is generally twice as common in men than in women. Update on risk factors and symptoms of pancreatic cancer.

What are the risk factors for pancreatic cancer?

Smoking doubles to three the risk of pancreatic cancer. The age of onset of pancreatic cancer is also earlier in smokers, a dozen years.
The Food: A diet rich in animal fat and red meat in particular tends to favor the development of pancreatic cancer. In contrast, a diet rich in fiber may be a protective factor. Carotenoids (beta carotene, lycopene) also appear to be protective antioxidant pigments.
Chronic pancreatitis (inflamed pancreas) as well, especially when it is due to alcoholism.
Heredity: 10% of cases have a genetic origin.

The symptoms of pancreatic cancer are rather late

In the absence of a diagnostic test, the pancreatic cancer is often detected too late, especially since the symptoms are most commonly reflects an advanced stage of disease. Moreover, they are not specific:
Abdominal pain with occasional radiation to the back.
Weight loss.
Jaundice or jaundice (abnormal yellowing of the skin, indicating a retention of bile).
Stinging, pruritus (bile salt deposits).
Increase in the spleen.
Gastrointestinal bleeding.
Vomiting, sometimes bloody.
The exams are the most useful CT and MRI. Confirmation of diagnosis will then by performing pancreatic biopsy. As for treatment, it is based on surgery if the tumor is not too extensive. Chemotherapy is also proposed. The prognosis of this cancer is generally unfavorable?

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