Thursday, December 2, 2010


It is very helpful to many of us to define how fast our heart do physical exercises.In the first place to practice your activities safely and then, to know just when your body draws on its fat reserves, that is what we call the threshold of lipolysis.

Calculate your break-lipolysis

The threshold for lipolysis, corresponding to when the body draws on its fat, is calculated very simply:
· 220 minus your age,
• Less Your resting heart rate,
• The all divided by two,
· It then adds the resting heart rate.
For example, you are under 44 years old and your resting heart rate is 80 beats per minute:
220-44 (your age) = 176 - 80 (your resting heart rate) = 96 divided by 2 = 48 + 80 (resting heart rate) = 128.
Lipolysis your threshold is 128 beats per minute.

This figure is the heart rate you should maintain (or below or above) for the duration of your sport to lose weight. In your effort you can check your heart rate in equipping yourself with a heart rate monitor (available in stores including sports). This unit (in the form of a wristwatch) continuously measures and displays on a dial the number of beats per minute your heart.
If you suffer from cardiac disease, practice a stress test and follow the advice of your physician. It will tell you your ideal heart rate to be observed in your physical activities.


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