To fight against the osteoporosis or to prevent it, make sure you have a diet sufficiently rich in calcium is very important. But not everyone is a fan of milk, yogurt or cottage cheese ... How?
How much calcium should you eat each day to fight against osteoporosis?
The needs for calcium varies with age. 11 to 24 years, we recommend 1200 to 1500 mg, 25 to 65, 1000mg (but from 1200 to 1500 mg for pregnant women, breastfeeding or who are on hormone replacement therapy) and beyond 65, 1500 mg. They are in any case intake calcium recommended to minimize the risk of osteoporosis.
Against osteoporosis, calcium, you must eat dairy products
The foods most rich in calcium, unequivocally, are dairy products. The cheeseto cooked pasta as the county or Parmesan, are absolute champions: 30g bring in 263 mg. A yogurt will give you 150 mg of calcium, a glass of milk and 120 mg 30g soft cheese, 120mg. Therefore the consumption of four dairy products per day is highly recommended by nutritionists. But how when you are allergic to cow's milk protein, lactose intolerant ... or that it just does not like dairy products?
How to achieve 1000 mg of calcium per day without dairy products?
That, of course, more difficult ... but not impossible. First, drink lots of water, and choose the good. One liter of tap water you already provide 90 mg of calcium, but a liter of Badoit is 220, a liter of Hépar, 555 Contrex, 486, or Quézac Salvetat, 252. For breakfast, bread and cereals also provide you calcium.Some cereals are also fortified with calcium. For lunch, go for legumes like dried beans or lentils: they contain 53 mg of calcium per serving, against only 15 mg for meat and fish. Eggs are also useful, each containing 28 mg of calcium.Starchy foods are richest in calcium are the potatoes - and more specifically, the fries! A serving of 160g will give you 96 mg of calcium. Green vegetables are rich in calcium: 200g you provide 94 mg. And finally, a bar of milk chocolate or white chocolate will give you 43 mg of calcium. This is not bad!
Calcium without dairy osteoporosis cons: difficult ...
However, we see that it is not obvious to absorb 1000 mg of calcium per day if we refuse completely dairy products. If it is a matter of taste, remember that the small Swiss County through the cream desserts and rice pudding, milk-based foods cover a wide range of flavors. There must have one that suits you! If you can not eat dairy products for health reasons, consult your doctor to examine the possibility of a food supplement containing calcium.
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