Thursday, December 2, 2010


Physical activity is one of the weapons cellulite. But what exercises are most effective in eliminating these unsightly areas in the buttocks, thighs and hips ?Here is a small program of exercises and physical advice to test against the orange peel.

Cellulitis, a history of women

The cellulite is an accumulation of fat in the buttocks, the thighs and hips.Typically female, this phenomenon has a hormonal component is physiologically and energy reserves in preparation for pregnancy and lactation.
But today, our way of life no longer requires such fat reserves and we want to eradicate all trace of grease. Diet plays an important role of course. Plus it will be fat and plentiful, plus pounds tend to accumulate and orange peel will be unsightly. But the exercise is a physical component as important.

Sport, anti-cellulite Excellence

Physical activity and sport is especially beneficial against cellulite in general.However, there are exercises more interesting than others. Obviously these are the ones who do more work glutes, muscles of the hips and thighs. Moreover, these muscles will be sought, the more they will tend to draw energy from fat in the layers beneath.

Here are three examples of simple exercises against cellulite

Catch up to 4 feet, resting on the forearms. Extend one leg and mount it as high as possible. Hold for 8 seconds. Alternate with sets of 8 up / down leg.
Same position, hold your leg up and make small circles in one direction, then another, always in sets of 8.
Lie on your side, perfectly aligned body, pelvis straight and bend your bottom leg: then climb down the leg from the top, right, without moving the pelvis. If your pelvis is straight, your leg will not rise very high, it is quickly blocked.Alternate sets of 8 ascent / descent, keeping your leg in the air for 8 seconds.
Obviously, it is essential to mobilize all the muscles of the body, that is to say that these cellulite exercises must be integrated into an overall physical activity program.

Exercises to incorporate into his daily

Moreover, throughout the day, you can easily enhance the effects of anti-cellulite exercises :
Regularly several times a day when you are immobile, for example in a queue or at the office, remember to contract your glutes: Hold the contraction for 8 seconds and / or do sets of 8 contractions / relaxations.
Always take the stairs instead of elevators, and tighten your buttocks to rise and descent.

Aid anti-cellulite

Drink regularly throughout the day and a half liter of water.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and reduce product fat.
End your shower with a blast of cold water from the ankles, back along the thighs, to buttocks and hips.
Apply after every shower moisturizer on your legs by massaging.



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