Bathing, diapering, cut nails are familiar gestures to a young mom. Here are 10 practical tips, however, that these daily acts occur more calmly.
1 - Cut the baby nails
Baby does not usually manicures. Choose a quiet moment to cut his nails after the bath, baby is relaxed and her nails are softened by water or outright during his sleep ! Thus, cutting the nails take place without screaming.2 - Dry the baby's skin without irritating
Baby's delicate skin ... To dry without damaging it, baby gently dab with a towel and go between the folds (for the bath, you can put the towel on the radiator so that it is pleasantly warm, however we must be careful not to burn baby ).If the towel irritates the little baby, you can skip the hair dryer to warm the body without forgetting the baby folds. Be very careful not to burn baby, the hair dryer must be at least 30 cm baby and set to an intermediate temperature.
3 - To facilitate cleaning the buttocks
Before closing his bed, spread some liniment on the baby's bottom. This natural cream and fatty stools to avoid sticking to his skin. It's much easier to clean afterwards.4 - Give your baby drops
You probably vitamins to give your baby every day ... For him to take his drops his bottle before without putting everywhere except in the mouth, put the drops in the nipple and give it to suckle the teat "empty", or pour the drops in the bottle if their taste does is not too pronounced.5 - Perfume Baby
If you have a special scent baby, here's how to use it and gently perfuming your toddler without damaging her skin: put a few drops of perfume on her hair brush and comb it then.6 - Cradle cap
Baby's scalp is flooded with cradle cap? Do not panic: Gently massage her head with a few drops of sweet almond oil.7 - Change diapers calm
To facilitate the exchange of babies restless, hang above the changing table mobile you have made: it is a thread to which you hang light objects (stuffed animals, toys, papers, photos ...) .8 - Put the cream on the baby face
When you apply the cream on your face Baby, baby is struggling and you make the mission impossible? Place baby in front of a mirror: it will look while you spread the cream in peace.9 - Baby Warm
When baby is lying on his back in the tub, he has the stomach air ... and may be cold. Place a washcloth dipped in hot water on her belly.10 - Failure care products!
If you have more saline, use boiled water and just chilled.If you run out of shampoo, wash baby's hair with soap.
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