Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yoga and back pain

Yoga postures, asanas, proposed above will make your back strong and flexible. By practicing regularly and correctly, yoga can help you get rid of your backache. Remember that yoga should never be forced into a posture. Every asana should be done in a relaxed state, focusing on his own breathing. Warning : do not do these exercises if you have a sore back!
yoga mal dos
The average duration of the series given below is about 20 to 25 minutes. Practice it to fasting, your yoga mat and comfortable clothes.
NB : If you suffer from back pain, it is important when bending forward, always bend your knees.

Suryanamaskar (the sun salutation)

1. Stand straight, feet together, shoulders relaxed, hands clasped in front of the chest (palm against palm).

2. As you inhale, raise your arms, the head placed between them. Doing well on the arms. Arch your back slightly, still holding out her arms.

3. While exhaling, bend forward. Place hands on each side of the feet (if possible, otherwise your shins) the front closest to the knees. The legs are slightly bent or stretched, if you want to protect your lower back.

4. Extend the left leg backward by bending the right leg, his hands still on the ground. As you inhale, tilt your head slightly backwards.

5. Bring the other leg back. Raise your buttocks and extend your legs and arms. The body should be folded in two at waist level.

6. While exhaling, bend your elbows and get to the ground by placing the knees and chest and finally the front.

7. As you inhale, step onto the arm throwing his head back and keeping the basin floor.

8. Without moving your hands or feet, go up the glutes (back to position 5) while exhaling.

9. Bring the left foot with both hands. Throw the head back while inhaling. Then bring your other foot between the hands (back to position 3).

10. As you exhale, push the head towards the knees. Stay empty a few seconds, then reassemble. Breathe deeply once or twice.
Repeat this posture starting from the right leg.

Paschimottanasana (jaw)

1. Sit with legs outstretched. Place the back of the hands on the thighs. Straighten your back.Breathe calmly.

2. Inhale deeply, straightening his back. Make a brief pause.

3. Grab right ankle with your right hand and left with your left hand (if possible, otherwise press the hands on your shins or knees). While breathing down the torso toward the thighs. If possible, put your forehead on the knees, otherwise continue to stretch your spine during inspiration and down a few millimeters during expiration.
Attention : the work of the spine must be done from the base of the pelvis, the back should be straight.

4. Come back in a position very slowly, down your spine vertebra by vertebra.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

1. Sit with legs outstretched. Place the back of the hands on the thighs. Straighten your back.Breathe calmly.

2. Fold the right leg and place your right foot outside the left knee, inspiring.

3. Place the left arm outside the right leg (left elbow against the right patella). Grab with your left hand right ankle (or calf). As you exhale, turn your back (starting with the pelvis) to the right, push the shoulder back well and turn last head. Place right hand on the ground, and stretch the arm.Tighten your stomach slightly. During this twist, it is important to stretch your spine in the inspiration and exhale as you return.
Warning : The left leg should remain taut and in contact with the ground.

4. Return to position 1.
Then repeat this exercise with your left leg and right arm.
After your yoga session, take time to make a final relaxation (shavasana), it is very important.


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