Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yoga: an ancient wisdom

Yoga is a Sanskrit word, derived from another Sanskrit term, yug, which means "to bind together." Yoga is a general term for the idea of linking to unite the body (physical life) and mind into a single entity, so they follow a similar direction.

sagesse millénaire yoga
Some authors even go so far as to give the sense of "unity of opposites" came close, and thus, the Chinese principle of Yin and Yang. The word yoga also has the sense of physical and mental discipline.

The origins of yoga

Yoga is a technique dating back over four thousand years, which falls deeply in the Indian tradition. Initially, it is primarily seen as a spiritual discipline. But soon, fans realize that it is also a source of health and tranquility, where a mixture of spiritual exercises, intellectual and physical, which is based on a philosophy.

The role of Patanjali

This is the eighth century AD that Indian sage, Patanjali, undertook a synthesis of all knowledge acquired over the centuries by yogis. The result was a book: the Sutras of Patanjali , a sort of code of Yoga, where he established the Astanga Yoga, Yoga or eight steps.

The rules enacted by the Sutras

- Yamas , control rules and discipline;

- niyamas , principles of observance of a certain lifestyle (physical and moral cleanliness, contentment, self-study);

- asanas , postures of the body with beneficial actions on health and mind. These are asanas that allow, first, breath control and mind;

- pranayama , breathing techniques which, combined with the asanas, the yogi can have a near-total control of his body (and his mind);

- pratyahara , detachment of the mind, which is liberated from the domination of the senses and of matter;

- Dharana , concentration;

- dhyana , meditation;

- samadhi , the ultimate stage of spiritual yogi, quite difficult to explain in a rational context. The best approach (and translation) appears to be the word "liberation" , recalling the state of grace, Christians, Buddhists, enlightenment, or satori zen.

These eight stages form the structure of the different Yogas. In the West, and particularly in Europe, only the Hatha Yoga is practiced and taught. Indeed, it is the most concrete way, the closest and most accessible to the Western mind.
Hatha Yoga is the yoga of physical effort and mastery of the breath. It places great emphasis on the development of radiant health, stimulation of latent energies, and healing of the mind.

Hatha Yoga, by allowing the balance of different energies in the human body, and that the mental and the physical, contributes to the well-being of the individual.

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