Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yoga: a gentle exercise

The asanas promote stretching of the muscles, unlike the muscle shortens them. They thereby improve the tone of the muscular whole, and thereby leads to a more balanced body and a more just one, where the sensation of feeling good about yourself.
 yoga gymnastique douce
The necessary muscle relaxation in which the asana practice, the fact of never forcing (Hatha Yoga is not a school of frenzied exceeded its limits) result in students an awareness of progressive skeletal system and muscle. Relations between them muscles (agonists and antagonists), and muscles with skeleton take shape as well.

In general, a greater acceptance of his own body (associated with increased muscle flexibility) and ourselves is one of the first consequences of the regular practice of Hatha Yoga. This practice can thus reduce the sensitivity to the vagaries of daily life (stress, fear, fears, dark thoughts).

Indeed, work on breathing, and the gradual harmonization of inspiration and expiration that results, causes some equalization in the proper sense. Feelings such as joy and sorrow, for example, are considered therefore as two sides of one coin.

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