Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yogas specific: what is you position?

Increasingly, yoga classes open and organized according to a public or a specific age group. Yoga classes for children, pregnant women (preparing for childbirth), disabled, elderly, prisoners, or surfers have emerged in recent years.

specificites yogas
The asanas practiced in these courses are, in fact, adaptations of traditional asana, depending on the physical condition of the people they serve.

Asanas custom

Thus, for example, it is not recommended practice to a pregnant woman or a senior citizen Sarvangasana (the candle), but it is possible to raise their legs to the vertical, the back lying on the ground , resting on his elbows.

Similarly, the preferred for pregnant women, working on breathing, trying to make them feel the relationship between it, the contractions and pain. This preparation may facilitate their future delivery.
Yoga classes allow children to calm nervous too. They improve their coping skills and concentration, and also promotes the intellectual work. But beware, yoga classes for children are only for over seven years.

As seniors, they feel fast enough to lower rheumatic pains. A tip: ask, however, the advice of professionals (physiotherapist, for example) before you start.

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